How to Connect to Public Wi-Fi Networks Safely

Wifi network refers to a technology that allows wireless Internet access on various electronic devices through a Modem-Router that transforms the analog signal into digital.

Each Modem-Router has a different Wifi network that has different characteristics from the others, either its speed, internet access, internet service, with a different password established to improve the security of the information of the devices that are connected to it. .

However, there are public networks for public spaces , which satisfy the demand of users without internet access from the comfort of their home.

So any user can connect and enjoy the service, as well as having it available for manipulation, that is why it is very important to study the risks and dangers of public connections.

Index( )

  1. Types of networks
  2. Public networks
    1. Private Networks
  3. Risks of connecting to a public Wi-Fi network
    1. Theft of personal dates
    2. Man in the Middle
    3. Avoid online transactions
    4. Rogue access points disguised as keyless networks
  4. How to Connect to Public Wi-Fi Networks Safely
    1. Use a virtual private network (VPN)
    2. Disabling sharing
    3. Wi-Fi disabled

Types of networks

There are two types of Wi-Fi networks that, depending on the preference and conditions of the client, may or may not be beneficial. We will describe it below.

Public networks

A public Wi-Fi network is one that is not protected with a password for its connection, so they do not encrypt the information that passes through its channel, it is usually easy to find such a type of network in an airport, hotel, shopping center, etc.

Private Networks

private Wi-Fi network is one in which a user (You) can control the configuration of the network, such as the devices that connect to it, generally contain an access password, so that all devices that connect to it are trustworthy. , because you gave them permission to connect and share information with each other.

Risks of connecting to a public Wi-Fi network

As we have already mentioned before, public Wi-Fi networks do not contain any type of security, so they can be more prone to hackers who want to access your files and steal the information of bank details, photos, videos, as well as viruses that can be launched across the net are countless.

Theft of personal dates

A public Wi-Fi network does not have a password or encryption, anyone can connect and with this view the content of the other users connected to the network.

By not having a WEPA or WEPA2 encryption that allows encrypting the information that transits the network, anyone can make use of it.

That is why it is important to be careful when connecting to these types of networks. As an example in a shopping center where you need to make a payment and your data network is not able to open your bank account, the most normal thing would be that you will look for a Wi-Fi connection to make it, but if you connect to a public network for so many users that There may be in a shopping center and you enter the bank details, you may be exposed to another person with bad intentions connected to the same network that can steal it from you and dispose of them, as well as any information you share.

Man in the Middle

A  manin the middle attack is a cyber attack in which a user intercepts important data such as banking using a technique to intervene in the communication process of the network and the device.

The attacking user may be stealing your multimedia secrets and information without you noticing, or altering the content of your messages or posing as the legitimate user you think you are talking to.

Avoid online transactions

So if you are going to have a public network, avoid using it to make online transactions, avoid sending the least amount of personal information through the network.

Therefore, in no way should you offer personal or banking information, passwords, telephone numbers, personal images or videos, referential information, etc.

Rogue access points disguised as keyless networks

As we have already mentioned, it is not advisable to connect to Wi-Fi networks without a password, that is, public networks , however, if you need to do so, make sure that the name of the Wi-Fi network of the place where you are is correct, since there are attackers who clone them. connections or create false access points without a password so that they resemble the Wi-Fi network in the least, so that when a device connects there they will have all the power to manipulate and modify everything.

How to Connect to Public Wi-Fi Networks Safely

In case you must use a public Wi-Fi network, these are the tips that we present so that you can keep your data a little safe from any attacker.

Use a virtual private network (VPN)

A VPN or virtual private network is one of the best measures to keep your data safe on a public Wi-Fi connection. What a vpn does is hide the real location to create encrypted data. Most smartphones nowadays have in their system the integration or creation of a VPN network within their settings.

Disabling sharing

When you connect for the first time to a public network on your computer, it asks you whether or not you want to share the information with the other computers connected to the network, your answer must be no, to protect yourself.

But if you didn’t select it at that time, you can go to the Wi-Fi network and right-click to wake up the options menu and there select disable sharing. So that other people don’t see the content you share on your team.

Wi-Fi disabled

When you are not using Wi-Fi on your computer, a very good option to avoid attacks or theft of information is disconnecting the Wi-Fi network or turning off the function so that it does not connect automatically and can give cyber attackers more time to hack your mobile.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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