How to connect remotely via SSH to a Linux server

Learn how to connect remotely via SSH to a Linux server and enjoy secure, efficient, and flexible remote access with step-by-step instructions and benefits..Whether you are a system administrator, a developer, or a curious tech enthusiast, being able to connect remotely to a Linux server using Secure Shell (SSH) is a crucial skill to have.

What is the function of connecting via SSH to a server?

As SSH stands for Secure Shell, this protocol works as the security parameter that seeks to administer the aspects related to the connection between networks .

By this we refer to equipment such as switches or routers , and the internal aspects of a computer, known as servers, which work to achieve transmission. These SSH servers can even be created through an Android smartphone .

Every time a developer executes this type of connection, he acquires the total domain or management of the server in question. Working with him through a series of commands that are known as commands.

These commands can be run automatically through the Linux “Terminal” window. So it is an ideal operating system to connect by SSH to a server.

How to connect remotely via SSH to a Linux server;Connecting to a Linux server remotely via SSH (Secure Shell) is a straightforward process. Here’s a guide in tabular form to help you with the steps:

Step Action Description
1 Install SSH Client Ensure you have an SSH client installed on your local machine. Most Linux and macOS systems come with SSH pre-installed. For Windows, you can use a program like PuTTY.
2 Gather Server Information Obtain the necessary details of the Linux server you want to connect to: the IP address (or hostname) and the username. If it’s your first time connecting, you might also need the password.
3 Open Terminal or SSH Client On Linux or macOS, open the Terminal. On Windows, open your SSH client (e.g., PuTTY).
4 Initiate SSH Connection Type the SSH command: ssh [username]@[server-ip-address]. Replace [username] with your server username and [server-ip-address] with the server’s IP address or hostname.
5 Verify Host Identity If it’s your first time connecting to the server, you will be asked to verify the host’s identity. Type yes to continue.
6 Enter Password If prompted, enter your password. Note that for security reasons, the cursor will not move as you type your password.
7 Established Connection Once the password is accepted, you should be connected to the server. You’ll see the server’s command prompt, indicating you can start running commands on the server.
8 End Session To close the SSH session, type exit or logout in the terminal. This will bring you back to your local machine’s command prompt.

Additional Tips:

  • For added security, it’s recommended to use SSH keys instead of passwords.
  • Make sure the server’s SSH service is running and the port (usually 22) is open.
  • You might need to configure your firewall to allow SSH connections.

In conclusion, connecting remotely via SSH to a Linux server opens up a world of possibilities for system administrators, developers, and tech enthusiasts. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can establish a secure and convenient remote connection, allowing you to manage your Linux server with ease.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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