How to connect Dualshock 4 to PC.

Today, gamepads are actively used not only by console owners, but also by those who play exclusively on a PC. And while it is extremely easy to connect an Xbox controller, in the case of the Dualshock 4, it’s not so simple.

The Dualshock 4 from Sony , like the product from Microsoft, is an extremely high-quality thing. Unfortunately, a very large number of people have problems connecting the Dualshock 4, which is why some think that it simply cannot be used with a PC, but this is fundamentally not a true statement. Of course, you may have difficulties connecting it, but the fact remains – Dualshock 4 works great in PC games. But how do you connect it? Let’s figure it out now.

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1. The easiest way on Windows 10

Windows 10 is a highly functional and user-friendly operating system. And if you have it installed, then connecting the Dualshock 4 to a PC can be incredibly smooth and simple. To do this, you only need to have a gamepad itself and a cable to connect to a computer.

Basic instruction

  • Take a Dualshock 4, connect it to your PC via a wire.
  • Wait for the drivers to be installed and restart your PC.
  • Check the functionality of the controller in “Devices and Printers”  “Properties”.

Immediately after connecting, a notification will appear stating that the new device has been recognized. And in the event that the drivers for Dualshock 4 have not been installed before, then Windows 10 will automatically download them, which will take a little time. At the end of the installation, a corresponding notification will appear, after which you should definitely restart your computer and connect the gamepad again.

And nevertheless, there is a high probability that even after all these manipulations, your Dualshock 4 will not work. What, then, to do?

We check the performance

  • Find through Start “Bluetooth and other devices”  On the right is “Devices and Printers”.
  • The connected gamepad should be displayed there. You can right-click on it and go to Game Control Settings.


  • Next, go to “Properties”. This is where you will need to test the controller by simply pressing all of its buttons and tilting the sticks.

If it is shown that Windows recognizes each press, then everything is fine – just reconnect the device. But if the buttons do not work, or if the gamepad is not displayed at all in “Devices and Printers”, in this case, you will have to do a few additional manipulations.

If something went wrong

  • Go to Device Manager, where select HID Devices.
  • You will be presented with a large list of devices, among which your gamepad will most likely be called “HID-Compliant Game Controller”. But another name is also possible. In any case, it is worth paying attention not so much to the name as to the icon that corresponds to a particular name. You need to find an icon that differs from all others by the presence of a small arrow that is directed downward.
  • Feel free to click on the desired RMB item (HID-compatible game controller, Dualshock 4, wireless controller or something similar).
  • In the window that opens, select “Enable device”.
  • After all this, we do the above steps again, i.e. reconnect the device and see that the drivers are installed exactly.

And in any case, before launching any game from Steam, you will need to “make friends” the controller with this store.

Setting up support for Dualshock 4 on Steam

  • With the controller connected to the PC, go to your Steam account.
  • Choosing the Big Picture display mode  “Settings”  “Controller settings”.
  • There you will only have to check the box next to “PlayStation Controller Support”, as well as “PlayStation Custom Settings”.
  • Once Steam sees the controller, you will need to give it a name and do a little tweaking. Everything.

After that, your Dualshock 4 will be displayed at the bottom in the Detected Controllers section. And yes, this item is necessary for implementation in the case and with all the methods listed below. But, be that as it may, this method of connection can be called good with a big stretch, because even if you do everything correctly, there is a great chance that nothing will work. But don’t be discouraged. There are solutions, and you can learn about them further.

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2. An easy way using third-party programs


Of course, you justly may not like the above connection method. It is very long and rather difficult. We understand you perfectly. That is why we recommend you the second, much more comfortable way of connecting the Dualshock 4. Let’s start.

If you have no desire to delve into the settings, then we advise you to download one of two programs – DS4windows or InputMapper .

They are completely free to download. And no, do not worry about the fact that these programs may contain some kind of viruses. This is not true. They are completely clean and have been repeatedly checked for embedded malware.

Using software to connect DS4

  • Run one of the above programs;
  • Connect your controller to your PC.
  • The programs will automatically detect your Dualshock 4 and let you play any game without a second.
  • It is also advisable to “make friends” the connected controller with Steam in the previously described way .

A huge advantage of these programs is not only ease of use and saving your time, but also the ability to create various control presets. That is, for example, if playing in The Witcher 3 you want to play with a standard layout, but in Dishonored 2 you want to change the assignment of the “L1” and “X” buttons, then you do not have to reassign them each time. Instead, DS4windows or InputMapper provide the ability to create a large number of presets. So if you suddenly want to play a game where it is more convenient for you to play with the changed button assignments, you can simply select the desired, pre-created preset.

Be that as it may, this method, unfortunately, is not without its drawbacks. The fact is that you may have serious problems when connecting a gamepad – applications may not see them right away. And if this happens, then you should reconnect the gamepad and restart the application. And yes, every time you do this, you will need to hold down the PS and Share buttons at the same time, but depending on the system, this may not be necessary.

Sometimes apps won’t be able to see the controller until you press these buttons, and sometimes they won’t. Well, the second problem that can overtake you is the sudden disconnection of the gamepad after several hours of playing. The application can simply lose your controller. However, do not worry too much, because often this is due to the not very high quality USB ports on your PC. So if you are all right with them, then this problem will affect you with a much smaller chance.

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3. The best, but expensive way


A feature of the methods described above is that they are based on a wired connection. However, if you have any Bluetooth adapter, you can wirelessly connect your Dualshock 4 to your PC. But in any case, this does not negate the fact that connecting the controller can cause you difficulties and take up valuable time. And besides, the previous method is partly “illegal”.

What should those people do who want to play on a PC with Dualshock 4, while connecting it as quickly as possible, without any problems, without sudden disconnections, without a wire and with the ability to remap buttons?

The answer to this question was given by Sony itself, having released its official adapter – the Dualshock 4 USB Wireless Adapter .

Immediately it is worth mentioning the minus of this accessory – you have to pay for it. Yes, all of the above methods were completely free, but at the same time extremely controversial in terms of ease of connection and use. Meanwhile, Dualshock 4 USB Wireless Adapter is the ultimate solution if you want to get only positive emotions from using your Sony gamepad with a PC, avoiding various problems.

How to connect DS4 via wireless USB adapter

  • Connect the above adapter to the PC – the blue light will turn on;
  • Slightly press the adapter into the socket (There is a certain button in it. Before use, just slightly press on the USB contact itself – you will feel a click and make sure of it);
  • Hold the adapter in this position for about three seconds until the light on the adapter starts blinking rapidly;
  • Once this happens, pick up the Dualshock 4 and simultaneously hold down the PS and Share buttons;
  • Hold them for about 3-4 seconds until the adapter and controller stop blinking. Done.

In this case, you just need to go to Steam, where you will need, again, to make the controller friends with the store and its games. After that, you can forever forget about any discomfort when connecting or possible departures.

The next time you connect the controller to your PC, you just need to insert the adapter and press the PS button. And yes, in this case, do not forget to monitor the charge level of your Dualshock 4, as it can be discharged at the most unfortunate moment.

So if you don’t want to literally go through the hassle of plugging in a Sony gamepad, buy this wireless USB adapter – you won’t regret it. Of course, its price ranges from 1,400 to 2,000 rubles, but due to the ease of use and the time saved on connection, it pays off extremely quickly.

And by the way, in this case there is nothing wrong with saving money and buying this used adapter. The likelihood that you will be sold a broken one is extremely small. Just test it before purchasing. If the gamepad connects, take it. In the secondary market, you can find such an adapter for 700-800 rubles, which is very cheap.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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