How to Clear iCloud Storage on iPhone

iCloud cloud storage is an exclusive service from Apple. The platform allows you to store and synchronize data between devices within the ecosystem. We will tell you how to clear iCloud in this article.


  1. 1.How to check free storage in iCloud
  2. 2.What is the danger of iCloud overflow?
  3. 3.Disable iCloud Photo Syncing
  4. 4.Cleaning iCloud Files
  5. 5.Using Safari Local Downloads
  6. 6.Cleaning up backups
  7. 7.Cleaning up iCloud Mail
  8. 8.Disable copying third-party apps to iCloud

How to check free storage in iCloud

iCloud assumes the use of several tariffs – the higher the tariff, the more memory the cloud storage can accommodate. You can monitor it in the settings. To find out the amount of remaining memory in iCloud, we need to:

  • Go to “Settings”;
  • Click on your profile;
  • In the tab that appears, select “iCloud”.

Now you can see the categories of documents that take up the most space in the cloud. It is usually divided into several categories. 

  • “Images”;
  • “Video clips”;
  • “Documents”;
  • “Messages and Attachments”;
  • “System cache”.

When you fill up your cloud storage, the system will show a corresponding notification with a suggestion to clean up iCloud. iOS has algorithms for optimizing the cloud, for this the software “downloads” unused applications and documents.

What is the danger of iCloud overflow?

  • iPhone will constantly prompt you to clear storage or increase its capacity;
  • iPhone apps won’t be able to save data to the cloud;
  • Inability to create backup copies of files;
  • Access to your iCloud email account will be blocked;
  • iPhone will no longer upload photos and videos to storage;
  • Files from the Notes, Voice Memos, and Messages apps won’t sync with other Apple ecosystem devices.

In order not to deprive yourself of the above options, it is enough to simply monitor the cleanliness of the files. How to do this? Let’s consider the most effective methods.

Disable iCloud Photo Syncing

  • Go to “Settings”;
  • Select the “Photos” tab;
  • Remove the toggle switch opposite the “iCloud Photos” item.

If you disable the function, you may need a new cloud. Alternatively, we recommend installing a separate Google Drive or Yandex Disk application.

Cleaning iCloud Files

  • Go to the “Files” application;
  • Look for the “Overview” item and select iCloud Drive.
  • We find the icon in the form of three dots and the item “Select”.

To delete the desired file, select the trash can icon. To delete the file completely, go to the “Recently Deleted” category and select “Delete All”.

Using Safari Local Downloads

  1. Open “Settings”;
  2. Find the tab with Safari;
  3. We look for the category “Downloads”;
  4. Instead of the iPhone item, select iCloud Drive.

Cleaning up backups

We can prevent the cloud from creating backup copies of files, thereby greatly saving free space in iCloud. For this.

  1. Go to “Settings”;
  2. Select your own profile by clicking on your name or avatar.
  3. Select iCloud.
  4. Find the item “Manage account storage” or “Manage storage”;
  5. Look for the “Backups” tab.
  6. Select the name of the device whose backup copy is to be deleted.
  7. Select “Delete copy” or “Turn off and delete”.

Cleaning up iCloud Mail

iCloud can store documentation in the form of “heavy” emails. They may contain files with PDF attachments, presentations, and other heavy documents. It is easy to identify such a letter – a paperclip icon will be shown next to it. 

Disable copying third-party apps to iCloud

Some software automatically saves backup copies in the cloud memory. To remove this function:

  • Open “Settings”;
  • Click on your own avatar or name;
  • Find the item “iCloud”;
  • Select “Manage Storage”.
  • Find the required application and click “Delete data”.