How to choose the type of screensaver on our Apple TV with tvOS 14

Version 14 of tvOS brings several new features to the system that brings our Apple TVs to life. News such as being able to interact with HomeKit devices, improvements in the PiP system, shared or multi-user audio for apps and games join one that could go unnoticed: the option to choose which screensaver we want to see on our TV .

Cities yes, fish no

Since the introduction of the Aerial screensavers , Apple has been adding clips that we can see while our television is not in use . From bloody Golden Gate to the heart of London, these slow motion videos are a joy to behold.

Now, with tvOS 14, we can choose which categories of screensavers we want to see , so for example we can activate Cityscape and deactivate Underwater . The steps are the following:

  1. We open the Settingsapp on our Apple TV.
  2. We enter General.
  3. We touch on Screensavers.
  4. We touch on Themes.
  5. We place ourselves on top of the category that we want to activate or deactivate and press until we see Showor Hide next to the title.

We can show or hide four categories: landscape, land, underwater and urban landscape . Landscape refers to videos of natural settings, like the glaciers in Greenland, for example. Earth brings together all the clips captured from the International Space Station, which offer us a view of the world from above. Underwater is the category of underwater videos. And finally, Cityscape are shots similar to Landscape , but within cities, generally viewed perpendicular to the ground.


Apple releases tvOS 14, these are its news: Options for HomeKit devices, PiP improvements, shared audio and more

Apple TV screensavers are really capable of attracting attention. The team responsible for them, as Tim Cook recounted in an interview, chooses the locations, times and approaches very carefully to produce these short video

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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