How to check which extensions are slowing down Google Chrome?

Wondering how to check which extensions are slowing down Google Chrome? Learn how to identify and optimize your browser for optimal performance in this informative article.

How to check which extensions are slowing down Google Chrome?

To check which extensions are slowing down Google Chrome and present the information in a tabular format, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Chrome: Launch your Google Chrome browser.
  2. Access Chrome Task Manager:
    • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the browser to open the menu.
    • Hover over “More tools” and then select “Task Manager”. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut Shift + Esc on Windows or Search + Esc on Chrome OS to open the Task Manager directly.
  3. Analyze Extension Performance:
    • In the Chrome Task Manager, you will see a list of all open tabs, extensions, and processes running in Chrome.
    • Pay attention to the columns like “Memory footprint”, “CPU”, and “Network” to see which extensions are using the most resources.
  4. Create a Tabular Format:
    • Manually create a table in a document or spreadsheet.
    • List the extensions in one column.
    • In adjacent columns, list the corresponding resource usage metrics such as Memory, CPU, and Network usage.
  5. Identify Resource-Heavy Extensions:
    • Extensions with high numbers in the Memory and CPU columns are likely slowing down your browser.
    • You may decide to disable or remove these extensions if they are not essential.
  6. Disable or Remove Extensions:
    • To disable or remove an extension, go to Chrome Menu > More Tools > Extensions.
    • Here, you can toggle off an extension to disable it, or click on “Remove” to uninstall it.
  7. Recheck Performance:
    • After making changes, monitor your browser’s performance again using the Task Manager.
    • This will help you determine if the changes had a positive impact on Chrome’s performance.

Remember, the exact resource usage can vary depending on your current browsing activity, so it might be a good idea to check the Task Manager at different times or under different usage conditions for a comprehensive understanding.

Extensions are very useful within Google Chrome, but as we mentioned before they can generate certain problems. In any case, before this Google Chrome has an excellent option, the so-called task manager , through which we can manage extensions and programs installed in the browser.

If you want to access the functions provided by the so-called Google Chrome task manager, follow these simple steps:

  1. The first step is to go to the configuration options of Google Chrome, for this, click on the three points located above and to the right of the browser.
  2. Once you are in the customization menu, you should find the “More tools” tab.
  3. In this place you will find the option “Task Manager” designed precisely to see the operation of the browser and the extensions installed in it.

The Google Chrome Task Manager

Google Chrome has a small program with which it will be possible to manage the processes involved in the operation of the browser. In turn, it is possible to observe the performance of the extensions that we have installed previously.

The Google Chrome task manager will work in a very similar way to the Windows task manager, showing us first the name of the task, then the use of RAM, the use of the CPU and even the consumption within the network .

Thanks to this option it is possible to deduce which extensions are slowing down Google Chrome, you can reach this conclusion after observing the consumption of RAM or CPU memory . In the same way, if an extension has a very high consumption in the network section, you could also observe a deterioration in the functioning of the browser.

Kill processes and extensions that slow down Google Chrome

Once the process or extension that is consuming the memory of your computer has been correctly identified, the most convenient thing would be to close said application or extension that is slowing down Chrome . This action is perfectly possible with the Google Chrome task manager.

All you have to do is locate that problematic extension and click on it within the administrator. Once you have selected the extension, just click on the “End process” button, after which you will have closed the extension correctly.

Performing the previous procedure should free up the memory and use of the processor that said extension occupied, generally improving the performance of the computer. If you still cannot resolve this flaw, you can choose to enable Google Chrome hardware acceleration from the system settings offered by this browser.

In conclusion, extensions can significantly enhance your browsing experience in Google Chrome, but they can also be the culprit behind a sluggish browser. By using the Chrome Task Manager, you can easily identify which extensions are slowing down your browser and take necessary actions to improve its performance. Additionally, optimizing Chrome by keeping it updated and clearing browsing data can further enhance your browsing speed. Take a proactive approach to manage your extensions, and enjoy a smooth browsing experience with Google Chrome.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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