How to change the letter order of the QWERTY keyboard to AZERTY?

Setting the order of the letters on a keyboard is a very strange case, in fact, a small number of people other than those who do not speak the French language, are the only ones who use it. And it is that this configuration from QWERTY to AZERTY is especially used for French.

However, you are free to change the order of the letters on the keyboard as you see fit, and so you can use it according to what you need or want. If you need to configure or change the order of the letters on the keyboard, going from QWERTY to AZERTY , this tutorial is exclusively for you.

How to set or change the letter order of the QWERTY keyboard to AZERTY?

To configure the order of the letters on a keyboard we must consider a couple of things; The first thing is to see what default configuration our device brings, and when we talk about devices we mean both computers and smartphones.

Depending on the device, you will have to apply a different process , as well as it depends on the operating system in question. In this sense, it is not the same to configure the order of the letters on a keyboard on a Windows 10 computer, than to do it with a Smartphone with Android 9.0.

Likewise, to apply a configuration in the letters of a keyboard in the case of the Apple brand, on a Mac computer, the process is done by similar but different options in the end.

What you should do in general is to click on the start of the computer, then go to the control panel, and click on ‘Regional language settings’ , go to the keyboards section, and click on the’ Change button keyboards’, to finally choose AZERTY.

Actually the process is not difficult, however, you only have to consider the second thing that we have not talked about yet: the device and its default settings; it may be the case that this configuration is impossible.

How to configure or change the order of the letters on the QWERTY keyboard to AZERTY on a mobile phone?

As we have already seen, to change the order of the letters on the keyboard to AZERTY a basic procedure must be applied, but there are cases in which the updates of the operating systems on computers change or vary in terms of their configurations.

In this way, we can say that to change the language on a Windows 10 computer is different from the case explained, which generally works for Windows 7 and XP.

But now what is coming is a different device, electronic but different after all. And the keyboard is now not part of a Hardware, but it is inside the Software: it is a digital keyboard. That is, how to set the letter order of the QWERTY keyboard to AZERTY on a smartphone.

This process is not as simple as changing the keyboard of an Android , but requires additional configuration. However, it is not a matter of the other world either.

For both Android and iOS, the mechanism is the same: first you must go to System Settings , then click on ‘Language and Text Input’, and select ‘Keyboards’ and then ‘Languages’. In adding keyboard you must choose ‘AZERTY France’.

Why change this configuration of the keyboard letters on our devices?

The reasons why a person decides to change the order of the letters on a keyboard are varied, and that will depend on their interests.

Many say it is because of some people’s ‘stupidity’, but there really is more, because no one will want to ‘turn an 8’ at the time of writing.

Normally this change or configuration in the order of the letters is accompanied by the learning of French. For their part, the French deserve this configuration to be able to write comfortably, since in it they can make the French quotation marks, the circumflex accent , and other types of recurring signs in the language.

Using the AZERTY setting benefits those who are just beginning to learn the French language, which is totally valid and worthy of admiration. If there are other reasons, surely none are foolish, but have their motive and their conscience behind, plus a personal interest.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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