How to change the font color and font size of iPhone memo?

We can use the built-in ” Memo ” app in iOS to write notes, make to-do lists, or write text directly, which is quite practical. But if you want to make the text layout in the memo more tidy, you may want to be able to adjust the font color, font size, or even use the highlighter function.

Therefore, this tutorial will teach you in detail how to change the font color and font size of iPhone and iPad memos.

Content directory

  • How to change the font color of iPhone memo?
  • How to use iPhone Memo “Highlight Pen” function?
  • How to change iPhone memo font size?

How to change the font color of iPhone memo?

It is currently not possible to change the font color in the Memo App directly on the iPhone because Apple does not yet support this feature. But if you have a Mac, we can use a Mac to change it, and the changed text color can be displayed on the iPhone memo.

  1. Open “Notes” on your Mac
  2. Select text, right click
  3. Click “Font”
  4. Click “Display Color”
  5. Choose the text color you want


After the change, we open the same memo on the iPhone or iPad so that we can also see the changed font color.


How to use iPhone Memo “Highlight Pen” function?

Some people would like to add color or background color to the text background of the iOS memo, just like the highlight pen we usually use, but it is a pity that the iOS memo currently does not provide the “highlight pen” function.


How to change iPhone memo font size?

If you want to change the font size of the iOS memo, there are currently two methods, and there will be a complete tutorial below:

  • Change the font format in iPhone Memo App
  • Adjust the font size arbitrarily in the Mac Memo App


Change the font format in iPhone Memo App

First, please select the text first, and then click ” Aa ” on the bottom toolbar , and then you can adjust the font size of the memo by changing the format, such as headline, title, subtitle, body text, etc.


Adjust the font size arbitrarily in the Mac Memo App

The second method is more flexible. You can freely adjust the font size of the memo without changing the format. After opening the memo on the Mac, select the text and use the shortcut key:

  • Text becomes bigger: ” Command” + ” + “
  • Text becomes smaller: ” Command” + ”  “


After changing on Mac, open the same memo with iPhone and you can see the changed text size.


to sum up

Now we can’t flexibly change the font color and font size in the memo on the iPhone. This is a feature that Apple needs to enhance. Of course, you can also download some of the more commonly used note-taking apps, such as Evernote , Notion, etc.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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