How to change SMS text notification ringtone on iPhone

The iOS operating system must always present innovative solutions to the millions of users who make use of it. Among them is the possibility of changing the tone or sound of all SMS text notifications , one of the great unknowns for many.

The iOS system platform will always be innovating to cover all the needs presented by its users worldwide. Taking into account that in most versions of the operating system you can customize the notifications to your liking and need, just by following simple steps.

How to Change SMS Text Notification Ringtone or Sound on iPhone

Your notifications can be configured or adapted according to the use you make of them without any inconvenience. You may not get it directly on the screen of your device but there is nothing to worry about. Apple computers or mobile devices have characteristics that maintain a high standard of quality and safety.

You can customize the entire text messaging service that iOS handles, especially regarding the tone or sound of the notifications that you have to receive from that area of ​​your communication system.

Allowing you to be updated and aware of all the information you receive through this means without inconvenience. Unless you decide for example to block text messages to some number.


  • Steps to change the ringtone or sound of SMS text notifications on an iPhone
  • Other ringtone or sound options for sms text notifications on an iPhone

Steps to change the ringtone or sound of SMS text notifications on an iPhone

As we indicated, the customization of the tone or sound of all the sms text notifications that you receive, if possible. Just by following certain steps to the letter.

First you must take your mobile device and enter its settings section , in that area you must look for the notifications section.

After being in the notifications section, you must select the option that indicates messages, and you will automatically see a list of options to take. Among them you must choose to activate or allow your notifications.

Once activated you must adjust the location of the notifications of your messages , immediately you must select the sound of their notifications. In the same way, you can activate the sound of the iPhone keyboard in case you want to be even more alert.

You also have the possibility to determine when the previews of your messages can be shown. After that, in the same settings section, you should look for the sounds and vibrations section , or sounds depending on your device model. And you must click on the message tone option.

And you have to see several options which you will choose according to your need. For example, press vibration and select other options, or in this case you must press a sound found in the warning tones, or you can press on your tone store and choose a sound from your iTunes Store account. If you haven’t created it, you have the option to open your iTunes Store account with an Apple ID without a credit card .

Other ringtone or sound options for sms text notifications on an iPhone

You have other options such as setting a different tone according to the contact you want. To do this, you simply have to enter the contacts section of your device.

After having entered that section you must select a certain contact, and then press edit and in that area you must press text tone, and choose an alternative in alert tones. With this you have to make the selection you want, and if necessary you can select the do not disturb option.

In the case of needing to silence a conversation, you can also do it, and you should only be located in your messages section and proceed to slide the conversation you want to silence to the left. Then you just have to press the option called hide notices. With this you can make that change in your message notifications.

As you can see, it is super easy to change the tone or sound and many other options in the notifications of your mobile device regarding your sms text system. You just have to follow these simple steps, and so you can customize many other areas of your iPhone device without major inconvenience.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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