How to change hosts in a meeting with Zoom?

It is becoming more and more popular to use Zoom for meetings and work conversations, and learning how to use it becomes essential. So we decided to make an easy guide to how to change hosts in a Zoom meeting .

How to Change Hosts in a Zoom Meeting

Making video calls or meetings in Zoom is easy and recording a meeting even more. But the problem occurs when changing hosts, although it really is nothing of another world.

There are many modalities and tricks to know about this platform, but one of the ones that usually generate more questions is whether you can change the host in a meeting. Well, the answer is yes, it is possible to give the rights to manage the room to another user , and it is really very easy to do so.

How can I change hosts in the Zoom room?

Before starting, it is important to clarify that you must have the host characteristic to be able to assign these rights to another person.

In addition, you must have the room active and position yourself in it in order to carry out the procedure that we are going to detail here. Now, inside the meeting room, the options bar or panel will be located at the bottom of the screen.

Within it, we will find and select a button called ” Participants “, which has an icon of a person next to a plus symbol or ” + “.

As a consequence, you will be able to see in the upper right part of the screen a tab that contains the information we are looking for, about all the participants in the room.

In the latter, it will be clear who is the host of the meeting , as it will have this label along with their ID and username. To change the permissions, you simply have to select the user to whom you want to give control, this is achieved through the ” More ” button to the right of the name.


Next, a settings menu will open in which you will choose the third option, called ” Make host “.

Next, the same platform will launch a warning window, by means of which the action must be confirmed by choosing and clicking that “ Yes ” you want to change the host.

As a result, a small notification will be displayed with the change made, and you will have already succeeded in changing the host in a Zoom meeting .

How can I be the host?

As we have already seen, one of the ways to be the host of a meeting room in Zoom is if the administrator gives his position to another user .

This is when the first one was the creator of the room and in order not to have to close it (for whatever reason that would take him away from it), he decided to grant the permissions to someone else.

On the other hand, and the only other way to host a boardroom on this platform is to have created it . In other words, if the room has not been founded, nor have the permissions been received, it will not be possible to be the administrator.

What can I do if I am the administrator of a room?

Before deciding to transfer or change the host, any user should take into account all the possibilities and advantages of being the host’s administrator.


For this reason, we have chosen to talk about some of these functionalities, we can start by mentioning that the host has a panel that allows control of the different aspects of the meeting . And, among the actions that you can carry out are:

  • Add subtitles: If the appearance of subtitles has been adjusted for the account, the corresponding options will be accessible.
  • Manage recordings: Both start and stop local or cloud recordings, according to the chosen modality.
  • Manage annotations: Disable the annotations of the participants in the room, to prevent other users from making them on the shared screen.
  • End the meeting: Obviously, to end the video call. Although if you want it to continue, you should only give control to any other user before leaving the room.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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