How to change font size in Windows 10?

Over the years and the advancement of technology , today we have the ability to customize almost any aspect of our devices. Before, we had to settle for the features that our devices had by default or factory.

Things like choosing a wallpaper, changing the font or letter, customizing the colors with which we want our device to look and even choosing a ringtone, changing or customizing the color of the folder icon , things that nowadays They seem basic to us, they used to come by default.

In other words, it was impossible to change or customize them to our liking. However, as already mentioned, technology has allowed us to choose part of the design of our devices.

We know that on our mobile devices such as phones and tablets , it is quite easy to configure certain options to our liking, as well as customize the theme and desktop background of your PC . In fact, many of these things can be changed from the same device. However, there are also apps that allow you to make other types of changes that would not be possible otherwise.

Now, does the same thing happen with our computers? Is it possible to customize them too? In this article you will learn how to do it using Windows 10 Before, let’s get to know some other features of Windows 10 that you can adapt to your tastes.

How to customize Windows 10?

Customizing Windows is very simple and you don’t need to know a lot about technology or programming to do it. As if that were not enough, you also have the possibility of displaying or adding a personalized message when Windows starts . In addition, from time to time Windows updates which allows you to change other visual characteristics of your computer. To make any change of this type you just have to follow the steps that you will see below.

Step 1

Press the magnifying glass icon located in the bottom bar to start a search. Write in this “Settings”, click on that option and a menu will open in which you must choose “Personalization” . You can also enter that menu by right clicking on any part of the desktop and then pressing “Personalize”.

Step 2

Once there, you can choose between various customization options such as changing the wallpaper for a photo on your computer, also for a solid color that you can choose from that menu.

You will be able to download official Windows 10 themes and change the theme, interface colors, taskbar, start menu and title bars. You also have the option to choose between dark and light mode depending on what you want and the time you usually use your computer.

You can also choose a different background when the screen is locked and the waiting time for it. Among other features that you can change. Now sadly, the option to change the font has been removed. Yet there is a method that makes it possible to do so. What is it about?

How to change font and font size in Windows 10?


Although as we mentioned before, it is no longer available to freely access this option in Windows , if possible using another method. You just have to follow the following steps.

Step 1

Following the first step outlined in the previous block, enter ” Settings ” and then press “Personalization”. Click on “Sources” and choose your favorite without closing the window. Then you will have to replace “ENTER-NAME-FONT” by the name of the source you have previously chosen. Open the “Notepad” and copy and paste the following:

  • Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Fonts]
  • «Segoe UI (TrueType)» = »»
  • «Segoe UI Bold (TrueType)» = »»
  • «Segoe UI Bold Italic (TrueType)» = »»
  • «Segoe UI Italic (TrueType)» = »»
  • «Segoe UI Light (TrueType)» = »»
  • «Segoe UI Semibold (TrueType)» = »»
  • «Segoe UI Symbol (TrueType)» = »»
  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ FontSubstitutes]
  • “Segoe UI” = “ENTER-NEW-FONT-NAME”.

Step 2

Click on “File” and then on “Save As”. By default the file will be saved with the terminal “.txt” that you should change to “.reg”. You can choose the name you want but make sure it ends with “.reg”. Finally press “Save” and go to the browser or file explorer to locate the file you just saved.

Step 3

When you have found it, right click on it and press “Merge”, then press “Yes” and finally “Ok”. Then you just have to restart your computer and the changes in the font will be visible.

With the ability to adjust the font size in Windows 10, you can now optimize your visual experience and enhance readability effortlessly. By following the steps outlined above, you can custom-tailor your font size to meet your specific preferences. Whether it is for better visibility or aesthetic appeal, Windows 10 offers user-friendly options to make your computing experience more enjoyable.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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