How to catch and use slaves in Conan Exiles

How to catch and use slaves in Conan Exiles.

  1. Defeat the enemy in battle! The first step towards becoming a slave owner is to stun your opponent in combat with a club and then tie him up with a rope. After that, drag the unconscious enemy back to your camp.
  2. On the wheel of pain! Who knows the films about Conan knows what will happen next: slaves must be enslaved! Let them work in the wheel of pain until their will is broken. However, you must remember to feed them over and over again, or your future workers will quickly starve to death – a simple porridge that can be made from plant fiber is perfect here.
  3. Use talents! The employment skills that NPCs possessed prior to enslavement are available for use when they become slaves. You must be careful to target and subdue valuable opponents. In addition to their various professions, slaves are also categorized into five quality level types: Novice, Adept, Skilled, Master, and Legendary.

The professions in which slaves can work are artisans, warriors, priests, and artists. Warriors defend your base, artisans enhance crafting activities with bonus speed and resources, priests summon spells and gods, and artists increase your life regeneration.

Subordinate NPCs also continue to work in their professions as slaves, depending on their abilities.

Search for useful directions! A slave’s usefulness is also determined by how strong he was prior to his submission. The Exiles in the River Valley  are not very effective yet, but this changes as you get into the game world. For example, on the northern plateau you can meet the much  stronger Darfari cannibals , further north is the Desert Dogs faction .

In the east you can meet a fraction of  the Black Hand , a group of bandits, who can throw good fighters, while the  Hunters  for the  Relics  in the mines in the north-west are the most powerful group of NPC. They are also the best slaves for hunting and fighting.

by Abdullah Sam
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