How to Cancel Crunchyroll Membership on Mobile

Learn how to cancel your Crunchyroll membership on mobile with this easy step-by-step guide. Say goodbye to unwanted charges and manage your subscriptions easily.

While Crunchyroll is a streaming platform that offers a wide variety of high-quality anime and comes with many perks, there may come a time when you want to cancel your subscription. Well, in this article we explain how to do it in a simple and fast way . However, there are many things that you have to consider and important steps that you must follow to the letter so that you do not have any problems.

How to Cancel Crunchyroll Membership on Mobile.

How to Cancel Crunchyroll Membership on Mobile.

The first thing you need to do is open the Crunchyroll app on your mobile device. Look for the app icon on your home screen or in your app drawer. Once you’ve found the app, tap on it to open it.

  • Tap on your profile icon in the top right corner and select “My Account” .
  • In the menu on the left, choose the “Subscription Information” option .
  • Click the “Cancel subscription” button .
  • Confirm your decision again under the “Cancel subscription” option .
  • After doing this, you will receive an email confirming that your subscription will be cancelled if you provide the requested details about subscription payments.

This way, you will stop paying for the service and you will lose access to the benefits of being a premium member, such as watching the most recent episodes , accessing the full catalog or enjoying superior image quality. The only thing you will be able to do is continue watching some free anime with ads.

Cancel Cruncyroll Subscription for Support

You can also do this directly from the Crunchyroll support page and from any point of view, whether from PC or mobile. Once you are in the support section, follow these steps:

  • Under “Please select your issue below” choose the “Subscription” option .
  • Fill in all the missing fields except for the following ones that we explain how to fill in.
  • In the “Subscription” section, select “Change Subscription Plan” .
  • The “Subject” may be “Cancel Crunchyroll Subscription” .
  • In “Description” you have to put all the payment details for the subscription, such as the full name of the credit card, the brand of the card, the last four digits of the credit card, and the expiration date of the credit card. If it is by Paypal, you only put your email.
  • Once you have entered all your information, click “Submit” .
  • When your account is cancelled, you will receive an email confirming the process.

Delete Crunchyroll account completely.

In case your goal is to delete your account so you no longer have your profile , you must go to the same Crunchyroll support page , but following these steps:

  • Under “Please select your issue below” choose the “Account/Login” option .
  • In the “Type of Problem” section, select “Other” .
  • The “Subject” may be “Delete account completely” .
  • After you fill out all the fields, tap “Submit” .
  • A request will be sent to your email in which you must confirm some data to complete the deletion.

By deleting your account, you will not be able to comment or be part of the Crunchyroll community as such, but you will be able to continue watching anime for free without having to log in to the platform.