How to call with a hidden or private number from my mobile phone?

If you are interested in making a call anonymously, hiding your number or making it private, then you should read the information we have for you in relation to How to call with a hidden or private number from my mobile phone? – Very easy.

Most likely you have received a call from a number you do not know. If so, you can know who is calling you from an unknown number with TrueCaller , but what if the one who wants to call from an unknown number is you?

Many wonder if it is possible to hide our numbers and make them private, the truth is that there are some ways to achieve this task. If you are interested in learning more about it, we recommend reading the guide we have prepared in relation to this.

Hide our number when calling

Mobile telephony has evolved a lot in recent years, the vast majority of advances have been very positive, allowing higher quality communications. In any case, some changes make us miss things from the past, such as making anonymous calls .

Currently if you have a mobile phone, anyone you call will see your phone number, which although it is very positive in many circumstances, sometimes we want to hide that information.

The truth is that this is possible, in most cases we can do it without the intervention of any external agent, just configuring certain options on our mobiles . In other circumstances we will have to access help or support, in any case here we will show you the methods available to hide our number when calling.

How to call with a hidden or private number from my mobile phone? – Very easy

Without a doubt, the first method that we are going to show you is the simplest and most comfortable of all, since you will only need a functional Android device. To use this method, follow these steps:

  1. This method is very simple, you only have to change a few settings. Therefore, go to the call section, that is, the application with which you make calls from your mobile.
  2. Depending on the phone model you own, these options may differ slightly. In any case, in most Android cell phones the process is relatively similar. To do this, click on the three points located on the right of your screen and click on ” Settings “.
  3. All the options related to the calls of your device will be displayed. You will have to look for an option called “Other call settings”, although in some devices it is also usually called ” More settings ” or “Complementary services”. You will recognize this option if something similar to what we will name next appears.
  4. Within this menu, something like “Show my caller ID” should appear, which in some cases is also called just “Show my ID “.
  5. You must click on this option, after this several options should appear, but mainly two “Hide number” or “Show number”. In this case, you must select the Hide number option .

By performing the above procedure, you can easily hide your phone number when making a call in most cases. In any case, on certain occasions this is not the case, so we recommend that you verify it directly.

On the other hand, as you may have noticed, the previous tutorial is designed specifically for Android, but there are also ways to make hidden number calls with iPhone , for all Apple users.

Call the operator

Some people complain that the previous method does not work, this in many cases is directly linked to the policies of the company with which they have contracted services, that is, the mobile operator.

The truth is that mobile operators often take the license to prohibit this type of function, since it could certainly create inconveniences in some circumstances. In any case, most operators also provide an alternative solution to hide our numbers when making a call .

To enable this function, in many circumstances it is necessary to speak directly to a representative of our mobile operator. By making the call, they will most likely allow you to use such a feature, although it can also be a somewhat cumbersome process.

Now that you have seen how relatively easy it is to make a call with an unknown number, it doesn’t hurt to know how to block calls and messages from unknown or annoying numbers , a process that can be done very easily.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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