How to browse offline from Chrome?

How to browse offline from Chrome? Internet is one of the tools of daily use for almost all people worldwide, in general we are connected to the network practically 24 hours a day, practically all current electronic devices have the possibility of connecting to the Internet. This is a great advantage when searching for any information.

But it may happen that at some point we do not have a connection , because we are in a place without an internet signal or the signal may simply fail for different reasons. Today browsing without an internet connection is possible, then we will explain how this is.

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  • 1 The advantages
    • 1 How to do it from Firefox
    • 2 What happens next
  • 2 How to do it from Chrome
    • 1 What happens next

The advantages

The navigation without internet brings a number of advantages, among which you can name:

  • It is possible to enterdifferent web pages without internet.
  • File downloadcan be done .
  • Perform file accessonline without being connected.
  • The use of mobile devicesor computers is possible.

How to do it from Firefox

To browse without internet from this search engine, the first thing to do is activate the alternative of “saving pages in the cache”. This action will allow you to enter the pages without the need for an internet connection.

You will do the configuration as follows:

Enter the command aboue: config into the search bar , then press enter.

This will display a pop-up window, in this window the system will indicate all the risks of carrying out this action. If you agree, press accept.

This will display a new pop-up window in which you will find a series of options, you must select “show all”.

Later you will select “browser.cache.offline.enable”  and confirm that its value is “true”.

Then you will choose the alternative of “toggle” and that’s it.

What happens next

Once you make the aforementioned configuration, the system will progressively save each and every one of the internet pages you see, which will allow you to enter them even when you do not have an internet connection at certain times.

You just have to click on the menu options, which will allow you to enter the “web developer” section. Click on the option to “work offline” and you will have access to the pages.

How to do it from Chrome

To navigate from Chrome without connection you must also activate the “offline cache mode”, in this case you will do it as follows:

You must enter the address bar and type the command “Chrome: // flags, press enter and this will take you to the ” experimental options panel.

It enables the alternatives “offline cache mode” and “offline auto-reload mode”.

Finally restart the computer to save the changes .

What happens next

Once this process is complete, you will be able to access the pages that are saved in the computer’s search history, without the need for an internet connection , remember that by activating these options you run a security risk.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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