If you wonder how to become an entrepreneur and be able to make it, in the face of successful examples like Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk , Bill Gates, you are not the only one.

Many people share the dream of setting up their own business and radically changing their lifestyle.

First of all, to become an entrepreneur you don’t need to have specific qualifications but you need to be determined and enterprising.

This will definitely help you achieve great results.

Because being an entrepreneur primarily means having the ability to start a business that is profitable. And that allows you to earn money constantly.

In other words, the entrepreneur is an economic operator who organizes the various production processes.

Buy goods and produce wealth, then trade this wealth by selling to consumers.



  • Owning an economic activity, that is, producing wealth, goods and services.
  • Economic activity must be well organized in which all organs (employees, machinery, etc.) are well coordinated. And it must be aimed at the market.
  • It must be ready for business risk. In fact, it can happen that the company bodies do not coordinate well and this can lead to technical and / or economic losses.
  • The activity must be lawful as required by law.


Being an entrepreneur, like any business, has advantages and disadvantages.

The most important benefit of being an entrepreneur is to work for yourself.

Personal satisfaction will be nurtured in seeing your company being born and growing together with the person.

A project that, from an idea, has turned into a strong and consolidated reality.

Another advantage is to be able to manage your time as you see fit, without having to submit to anyone. And therefore being able to freely choose how much time to spend.

Being an entrepreneur means being personally responsible for your life and that of those who work.

You have to know how to take risks, and be ready to live a stressful life because it lacks certainties.

This is one of the disadvantages, because the entrepreneur is not protected as an employee. But it is he himself who protects the safety of those who work for him.

In the economic sphere, the entrepreneur is the one who owns productive factors (capital, means of production, workforce and raw materials).

And, together with investments, it contributes to developing new products, new markets or new means of production.

It also stimulates the creation of new wealth and value in the form of goods and services useful to the community and society.



In ancient times, the figure of the entrepreneur was born after the end of the Middle Ages, with the arrival of the geographical discoveries that took place during the Industrial Revolution.

At the time his activity was associated with that of the merchant, then it was equivalent to that of the industrialist and, finally, it began to coincide with the capitalist.

The need for rules to aid trade for merchants was so important that the first trading codes were born.

And, from their evolution, the rules that today are part of our Civil Code were born.

The Civil Code does not define the company but the entrepreneur, and aims to place the emphasis more on the person who carries out the business activity rather than on the activity itself.

The figure of the entrepreneur to whom the current law belongs regulates his activity through obligations to be observed.

According to the code, both a natural person and a legal person can be an entrepreneur.

Our civil code distinguishes the different entrepreneurs in order to apply different regulations based on the different categories present.

There are three types of entrepreneurs recognized by the law:



Defined by article 2135 of the civil code. “An agricultural entrepreneur is someone who carries out an activity aimed at the cultivation of the land, forestry, livestock breeding and related activities.

It cannot be subjected to bankruptcy (art. 2221 of the civil code). has no obligation to keep accounting records (art.2214 cc) does not need to register in the ordinary section of the business register (art.2136 cc)



Defined by article 2083 of the civil code.

“The direct farmers of the fund, the artisans, the small traders and those who carry out a professional activity organized mainly with their own work and those of family members are small entrepreneurs”.

While being able to carry out commercial activities, they cannot be subjected to bankruptcy (Article 2221 of the Civil Code) And they are not obliged to keep accounting records (Article 2214 of the Civil Code, paragraph 3)



Previously defined by article 2082, they can go bankrupt (article 2221 of the civil code) and must keep accounting records (article 2214 of the civil code), register in the business register, ordinary section (article 2195 of the civil code, paragraph 1)



The situation of the current Italian business world is suffering from an economic crisis that has been going on for many years now. And for which no solution is yet in sight.

Root cause analysis requires a more in-depth study, which analyzes international competition and the scarcity of natural resources.

The Italian entrepreneur is famous, in particular, for his creative skills.

There are more and more cases in which companies begin to keep in touch with other realities, going well beyond the concept of market competition.



Institutions are often an obstacle rather than a facilitation for entrepreneurship.

The levels of Italian bureaucracy are often exasperating and, moreover, they provide for taxes that are among the highest in the world.

Times are very slow and this makes it very difficult to create new businesses or keep existing businesses running.

The effect of this modus operandi leads to the death of many companies.

The role of politics and institutions is reduced only to enforcing the rules that most of the time are very difficult to follow. And, moreover, they continually demand money in the form of hefty taxes.

However, becoming an entrepreneur in Italy today is not easy.

Above all because there is no education in entrepreneurship and business management capable of facing all the difficulties related to management and production often slowed down by bureaucracy.

You must also be aware that most companies and new entrepreneurs fail in the first 18 months of business.

However, by making informed choices and taking into account the market and potential risks, you will be able to do so successfully.

The company ceases, however, when the company organization no longer exists, that is, when the team collaboration relationship no longer exists.

This occurs when the business complex has been liquidated.

Once the liquidation has taken place, the business activity ceases and, after one year, the bankruptcy of the company and the entrepreneur is officially declared.


As we have seen, taking an entrepreneurial path is very difficult if you don’t have the right skills.

The ideal entrepreneur, in fact, must have specific characteristics that allow him to enter the business world.

First of all, if you want to become an entrepreneur you have to be professional.

That is, you must carry out your work in an organized and continuous way, giving the right importance to all the organs of your team.

Another trait that defines you as an ideal entrepreneur is your propensity to be a leader. That is, you must have a strong leadership ability that allows you to better lead the team and be able to face any type of risk.

You have to be resourceful and have the right amount of courage, especially in risk.

If you want to become a good leader you must never lose touch with reality, you must be pragmatic. Unfortunately, more often than not, the excessive desire to do makes you lose sight of reality and you face great risks.

Every good business needs time and, as an entrepreneur, you have to be patient, you have to give yourself the right time to build a stable network of contacts.

The entrepreneur must be disciplined, that is, he must learn to work on himself without ever taking anything for granted. Easy money doesn’t exist.



One factor that governs the success of an entrepreneurial action is optimism.

You must always see the “glass half full”, always remaining with your feet firmly planted on the ground.

The last factor is trust. You need to have confidence in yourself and in those who work as a team in order to grow the company in complete transparency.

From an economic and professional point of view, the ideal entrepreneur must be able to advertise himself and his company to attract potential customers.

That is, you can retain users in your company and then offer them products and services that satisfy them.

Economic activity, while not having profit as its main purpose, at least not when it is growing, must be stable.

In this way the entrepreneur can keep the balance between costs and revenues constant to face all the expenses that the company requires (salaries, machinery, raw materials, etc …).



Beyond all the working and economic characteristics that identify an ideal entrepreneur, it is right to give importance to the human values ​​that he should transmit.

Within a company the entrepreneur is not a dictatorial or monarchical figure who commands his workers. But he is a human figure who carries within himself great responsibilities.

Teamwork is important for the entrepreneur because it allows him to manage every organ of his company. And it allows him and his company to work in harmony and tranquility.

Furthermore, the leader must be meritocratic, that is, reward those who do an excellent job by recognizing their merits and must have a hard punch towards those who underestimate work.

If you decide to take this path and intend to get involved, you must know and respect the variety of laws and bureaucracies that govern the construction of a new business.

The bureaucracy, however, you will realize, often does not meet those who want to take this path. Indeed it tends to erect very stringent taxes and economic laws.

To deal with the Italian bureaucracy, first of all, one must be respectful of the law and start a lawful business.

But above all, be prepared and able to overcome any kind of difficulty that comes your way.



In conclusion, we can define a successful entrepreneur as someone who:

  • – acts as an intermediary in the production and sale of goods or services.
  • – Organize and manage the production factors in the utmost serenity while maintaining a strong collaboration with his entire team.
  • – Comply with all laws governing the construction of a business.
  • – He makes his company grow with moral and human values ​​in which the protection of workers and customer care are first.


We have analyzed the Italian entrepreneurial situation, we have seen what characteristics an entrepreneur must have. And what values ​​must he follow to undertake a project.

Let’s start with the definition of an entrepreneur from the point of view of the law

All entrepreneurs (agricultural and commercial, small and large, private and public) are subject to a common basic discipline. This includes, in addition to the regulations of the civil code dedicated to the company (articles 2082 et seq.), Part of the regulations of the company (articles 2555-2562 of the civil code) and of the distinctive signs of the company (articles 2563-2574 of the civil code. ). Furthermore, the competition and consortia regulations (articles 2595-2620 of the Italian Civil Code), the regulations for the protection of competition and the market of law no. 287/1990.



The first thing you need to do is analyze yourself, ask yourself what your desires are, your personal and work goals, what skills and abilities you can put at the service of the company.

Then you have to find a business idea that meets your needs, but also those of the market you would like to enter. Choose an industry that you are passionate about and in which you stand out for your skills and experience. Only then can you stand out among others by making innovations and creating interest in your business.

Analyze the market, the reference sector, the local demand, identify your target and carefully analyze the competition.

Carefully choose a location that respects your needs as much as possible.

It is important, especially nowadays, to give importance to nature by promoting eco-sustainability. Choosing a location that respects this value can be an important strength.

Once you have defined ideas and locations, plan the activity in detail, define the possible sales, communication and marketing strategies.

At this point you need to draw up an accurate and complete business plan. It will be essential for you to understand the feasibility of your project, to monitor the progress of your business.

But it will also be very useful for presenting your business idea to others, particularly to lenders and to the competition.


Analyze start-up and management costs, revenue prospects and the time it takes to pay back the initial investment.

In principle, it is important to be able to maintain the balance between costs and revenues in order to face the expenses to be invested in machinery, raw materials and personnel.

Assess the possible risks and “acceptable loss”. This will allow you to manage your assets, both financial and otherwise, in an efficient and prudent manner.

Maintain high flexibility and adapt your path as an entrepreneur to the changes you will encounter. Always aim to achieve your goal in the most efficient and fair way. You must never be satisfied, you must aim for maximum results.

Help growth by having an attractive graphic presentation of your business.

Create a concise and immediate presentation to present your idea in a few minutes, focusing on your greatest strengths.

You have to make it clear in a simple and clear way what your mission and your corporate vision is. In addition to conveying your business idea to others, creating interest in you.

Compose a network of contacts and work on your “personal brand” to maintain a constructive comparison with the world.



Becoming an entrepreneur is also possible on your own, but doing it together with a team of people who share your goals and your business vision, or who invest resources in your project, can certainly facilitate the journey.

Working harmoniously as a team facilitates the path and allows you to interact with people who in the future will make an important contribution to the growth and consolidation of your company.

You must aim to build a strong brand and work hard in building your reputation, both offline and on the web.

Yours must be a strong corporate image. Image is also as fundamental as activity in achieving business success.

Highlight the peculiarities of your new business, the products and / or services offered, the prospects for growth and future income.

Focus on your training in the area in which you intend to become an entrepreneur to always convey the utmost professionalism and competence.

It is important to follow courses and you must inform yourself, as well as regularly update yourself on every change in order to face the competition in a fair manner.



To better follow the bureaucratic process it is advisable to rely on those who have more experience than you on the subject, which is rather complicated. A professional will be able to support you and manage your every need.

However, it is important that you also learn to know the bureaucratic and tax regulations, it is an extra strength to start the company without falling into errors.

This is the process that you, like any ideal entrepreneur, should follow to successfully integrate into any workplace. Never take anything for granted and try to pursue your growth goals with courage and determination. One step after another.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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