How to fight in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: choosing opponents, using light and heavy weapons, fast and powerful attacks, dodging, parrying, how to act against enemies with shields
Silent passage is what you, ideally, should strive for when passing Assassin’s Creed Odyssey , however, you will not always be able to rely on stealth action. From time to time, situations will arise that require brute force and demonstration of acquired skills in open hand-to-hand combat. It is to them that we will dedicate our new leadership!
Experience level
The first and most important factor affecting the difficulty of a battle is the current level of the enemy:
- If the opponent’s level matches the hero’s level (or below), then the chances of success are high.
- If the enemy is one level higher than your hero, then the probability of success is significantly reduced. It will decrease even more when it comes to an elite mercenary in heavy armor and with unique attacks.
- The chances of success are minimal in the case of confronting an enemy two or more levels higher. Avoid these encounters at all costs.
Above the enemy’s head is an “icon” indicating his level . In addition, the game uses color coding: if the enemy is highlighted in red, then his level is significantly higher than that of the main character. Use your eagle to scout the territory and register the levels of the characters located on it. This will help you avoid confrontation with opponents that are beyond your power at the moment.
The level and parameters of equipped items play an important role in the chances in battle. For example, if you pumped your hero to level 20, but at the same time use equipment of the tenth level, then you will face serious difficulties in battle against enemies of your level group: in comparison with them, you will do much less damage.
Make sure that the inventory slots contain items that correspond to the level of your hero, or as close as possible to him . The difference between the levels of the main character and equipment should not exceed two or three units.
It is absolutely not necessary to look for new items: you can modify the existing ones at the blacksmith, who will make the fit to the current character level. True, in this case, you will have to spend resources and gold. Upgrade only the most important and necessary items of equipment , since there will not be enough materials for several builds anyway. In addition, sooner or later you will have to replace some items of equipment with new things found during the passage of story or side missions.
Weapon types
Next, you need to figure out how to choose the right weapon. Melee weapons come in several varieties, but they can also be sorted into two important categories – slow and fast . Usually, preference should be given to fast weapons (swords and daggers), since with its help it is much easier to react to the actions of the opponent. And the chances of a successful attack with fast weapons are much higher! Powerful but slow weapons can be used in battles against larger, heavily equipped enemies.
Partially the problem of choosing weapons will be solved after reaching level 15, when you unlock an additional slot and can equip one light and one heavy weapon. To switch between them, it will be enough to press the corresponding key.
In addition to melee weapons, the main character uses a bow . True, its use is more justified in cases where you are acting silently. In such situations, you have time to aim at the most vulnerable spots of the enemy, or use the abilities that increase the damage done. In an open confrontation, the bow can be useful only when the enemy has not yet managed to get close to your character, or you simply do not want to use melee weapons at the moment (you have moved away from the enemy and are waiting for the health points to be restored).
Light and heavy attacks
There are two main types of attacks in the game – light and heavy . You can combine and alternate them to create simple combos: for example, start with one or two heavy attacks and continue with three or four light hits. It is recommended to select unique combos for each enemy. For example, in the case of mercenaries and other mobile fighters, it is best to use light and fast attacks, while heavy blows will be indispensable when confronting heavily armored targets.
Heavy attacks have another use: only with their help can you break through the defenses of opponents using shields. Perform a heavy hit to force the enemy to open up, and then quickly perform a few light lunges. This approach works with opponents using small to medium shields. You cannot penetrate a heavy shield! Instead, you will have to rely on another important technique – parrying and a swift counterattack.
Capturing the camera, dodging and parrying
During almost every battle, the “target lock” option will be useful, allowing you to lock the camera on a specific enemy . It will allow you to focus on the fighter, to dodge his attacks in a timely manner and ideally carry out your own attacks. Usually you are fighting with several enemies, so you will need to press a key to change the “captured target”. For example, on consoles, the right analog stick is used for this. You need to use this option when the “captured” enemy has moved away from you, but there is another, more accessible target nearby.
Timely dodges are just as important ! This is the easiest way to avoid taking damage. In most battles it will be enough to use standard dodges. Keep in mind that while holding the dodge key, you can roll. This technique will be useful in cases where the enemy is preparing to carry out a powerful strike (from a wide sweep or acceleration).
However, dodging isn’t the only way to protect your hero from damage. You can also parry enemy attacks . By default, consoles use the top left and right end buttons (L1 / LB and R1 / RB). Click on them simultaneously at the moment when the enemy has already swung for a blow. You can tell if you have successfully parried by the “sparks” that appear. As a result, the enemy’s attack will be interrupted, and he will remain stunned for several seconds, which will make him vulnerable to your attacks.
Dodging and parrying will be useless if you are opposed by archers . In such situations, try to close the distance to the target and kill it as soon as possible, especially when opponents use poison or fire arrows. Please note that some opponents can switch weapons right during the battle. Stay close to your opponents unless you want them to suddenly reach and use the bow.
Heavy attacks of opponents
Periodically, a red “icon” will appear over the opponent’s head. It indicates that the enemy is about to launch an unblockable (powerful) attack . Don’t try to parry it! The only option in this case is to dodge.
The number and frequency of powerful hits depends on the type of enemy and the difference in level compared to your character. In general, you should always be prepared for timely dodging.
Recommended skills
The game has special active skills that can be used when filling the yellow adrenaline meter. Some of them will be very useful in battle. One fully charged section of the adrenaline bar allows you to activate one skill. To replenish your adrenaline reserves, you must make accurate strikes.
From the very beginning of the game, you can unlock two important skills that make battles easier. Bull Dash is a great offensive ability that gives you the chance to knock opponents off their feet. The main feature of the skill is that it works even on enemies with shields. As for the difficulty of application, it is important to choose the right moment. You do not need to activate the skill if you believe that the enemy will move or jump to the side. Otherwise, you will be wasting your adrenaline rush.
With Spartan Strike, you can push opponents off the edge of a cliff or wall. In addition, the skill itself inflicts great physical damage. Ideally, the skill should be used in cases where the enemy is standing on the edge of a tall object. If dropped from a great height, he will either be smashed to death or receive huge damage. Don’t miss or you’ll lose your adrenaline rush!
In the future, you will use Spartan Kick for other purposes. For example, you can use it to stun weakened enemies in order to subsequently hire them as lieutenants on the Adrestia. This is the only way to stun the “purple” and “gold” opponents!
You can lure opponents to tall objects in order to drop them using this skill. In general, this is a great way to deal with fort commanders, mercenaries or other enemies with a large supply of health points.
But that’s not all! There are many other useful skills in the game, including:
- Active skill “Poisonous attack”– allows you to inflict poison damage with melee and ranged attacks.
- Passive skill “Armsmaster”– increased damage of equipped weapons.
- Passive skill “Magic Master”– increasing the characteristics of equipped armor.
Health scale and its recovery
During the battle, health points (HP) are not automatically restored. This means that you need to pay special attention to the choice of equipment. You will have to use numerous dodges, parries and other defensive techniques. But still, there are two alternative ways to regenerate HP.
The first method is to unlock the active skill “Secondary Wind” (you need to pump the character to the fifth level), which allows you to spend adrenaline to restore HP. On the easiest difficulty, you will regenerate up to a quarter of your maximum scale with a single adrenaline rush. For convenience, assign your shortcut key to this skill and activate it when the character is in critical condition.
The second method is to run away from opponents and hide in a safe place . You do not need to leave the location (for example, a fortress). The HP scale will begin to automatically fill up as soon as the enemies stop chasing you. Wait for her to fully recover and return to battle. In this case, the health of opponents will remain at the same level, and already killed enemies will not be revived.
Allies on the battlefield
During some battles, allies will appear on the battlefield with you. In most cases, we are talking about battles for the conquest of territories. It can also happen when completing quests or during random encounters.
Regardless of the circumstances that led to the presence of allies, you must learn to use their help competently. While the opponents are busy with your partners, there is a chance for unhindered execution of heavy attacks, since the enemy will not have time to switch to you. However, in larger battles, you need to be extremely careful: your hero may suddenly be surrounded by several opponents or be attacked from behind. Just keep moving