How to backup drivers before reformatting my PC?

There are two ways to backup data to a computer, either using some third party program or from the system itself, of course it doesn’t matter which method you choose as long as you can successfully Backup your drivers .

Likewise, it is recommended to use an external memory to make the backup, since it is the safest method, you can also create partitions on your hard drive and assign a specific one only for backups and important data. It is important to keep the PC virus free, otherwise your supported drivers might be affected .


How to backup the DRIVERS before formatting my PC? – Backup

Index( )

  1. What steps must be followed to create a Backup of the drivers of my PC?
    1. Create a backup folder on an external drive
    2. Make the ‘Backup’ from CMD
  2. How do you format or factory reset a Windows 10 PC?
  3. How do you restore the drivers after having formatted the PC?


What steps must be followed to create a Backup of the drivers of my PC?

Depending on the method you choose to backup drivers on your computer, will be the steps to follow. In the case of using a program, an excellent option is SlimDrivers Free, which allows you to scan your drivers and make a Backup in a very simple way, you just have to choose where they will be saved. That is, you can:

Create a backup folder on an external drive

By creating the backup in an external folder, you avoid infecting viruses in the event that your computer is infected, in addition to being able to have them privately. Of course, you also have the option to prevent access to a partition in order to protect your data. In the same way, once you have chosen the site, you only have to:

  1. Open the SlimDrivers Free program on your computer.
  2. Start the driver scan.
  3. Click where it says ‘ Backup‘.
  4. Click on ‘Backup to’ to choose the path where the backup will be made, in this case an external drive.
  5. When selecting the place you must accept the information window that is displayed.
  6. The ‘Backup’ starts automatically after choosing the folder and that’s it.

It is important to know that you can choose specific drivers , since the program shows an activation box individually for each one. Also, right next to the ‘Backup’ option is ‘Restore’ which allows you to restore the drivers from their saved location.

Make the ‘Backup’ from CMD

If you decide to backup drivers and restore them without the need to use any program you can do it just by using some commands in command prompts or CMD . Learn how to do it as follows:

  1. Open command prompts on your PC to run commandswith administrator permission.
  2. Run the command ‘dism /online /export-driver /destination:D:\BackupDrivers’. (You can customize the destination folder)


  1. Wait for the process to finish and that’s it.

It is important to know that you can choose the folder you want, you just have to specify which disk. That is, where it says ‘Destination’ write the drive you want in capital letters, likewise ‘RespaldoDrivers’ is an example folder, you can use the one you need, you just have to avoid spaces in order to avoid errors.



How do you format or factory reset a Windows 10 PC?

Windows allows its users to format or reset to default values , if you want to format you just have to use a bootable USB with the version of Windows you want, or a CD. Of course, it is also possible to do it from Windows Update. And to reset follow these steps:

  1. Enter the Windows 10 system settings.
  2. Click on ‘ Update and Security‘.
  3. Go to the ‘Recovery’ tab and click ‘Start’.
  4. A window is displayed where you must click on ‘Restore Factory Settings’.
  5. Choose the disk you want to restore.
  6. Click on ‘ Restore‘.
  7. Wait for the process to finish and that’s it.

It is important to know that when formatting a PC the drivers that you have personally installed will be lost, but in the same way Windows 10 has several basic or default ones in order to interact with the system without problems.

How do you restore the drivers after having formatted the PC?

If you have made a backup of drivers with a program like SlimDrivers Free on your computer, you just have to install the same program again and use the ‘Restore’ function which you can locate as a backup and restore it either from external memory or from a partition of the system you have selected.

Also, if you decided to do the backup from a command using command prompts or CMD, you must restore with another command specifying its path :

  1. Open Command Prompt or CMD in Windows 10.
  2. Run the command ‘dism /online /Add-Driver /Driver:D:\BackupDrivers /Recurse’ Of course, ‘BackupDrivers’ is an example name for this case.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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