How to automatically accept users in Google Meet

Google Meet is one of the video call applications, which, like Zoom, was very popular in the midst of the pandemic that we had at the beginning of 2020.

In addition, this application allows you to make video calls with a limit of 60 minutes to make videoconferences and you can even give classes and record them through this as well as Zoom . Since the great advantage of this is that it does not limit the number of participants, in turn the minutes to be in the meeting are longer, and above all that it is a free application. How to Automatically Accept Users in Google Meet – Set Up Your Meeting

However , this application also allows you to accept participants automatically , without having to enter your administrator, and accept one by one. For this reason, it was that we were inspired to create this little guide, and learn how to use the function to automatically affect your users in the volume and thus have more control of the video call.

Index(  )

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Meet asking you for member approval?
    1. Control who is there and who is not
    2. Create a private dialog
    3. Invite only who you want to enter
  2. Which tool is the best to automate joining Meet meetings?
    1. Meet Auto Admit
  3. How do you activate the tool for your Meet meetings?
  4. What other Meet features can you use to enhance your meetings?
    1. conference recording
    2. Add subtitles
    3. live surveys

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Meet asking you for member approval?

Google Meet is one of the Google applications , which always thinks of its users so that they are comfortable when using its application , however, this automatic approval of members within the meeting has its advantages and disadvantages, which will we will mention below:

Control who is there and who is not

One of its great advantages is allowing access to people to join the meeting without the need for you to approve them, as long as they have the link to enter.

Its big disadvantages, however , is that you can’t control who gets in and who doesn’t . Well, all the people who have a link to the meeting, can enter them without having to go through filters, it does not matter if they do it through their website, or from their mobile device .

Create a private dialog

Another advantage is that those people can create private dialogues between them; to give more interactivity to the meeting. However, its disadvantage is that these private chats can also lead to controversy in it and have to suspend the meeting.

Invite only who you want to enter

As already mentioned, you can invite only the people you want to join the meeting . However, these people, by having the link of the meeting, can share said link with other people, and by having the automatic administrator function, they can enter without your knowing that they are there.

The other side, Google Meet, is not the only Google platform that allows you to videoconference or teach online. Since, there is also another application called Google Classroom, which is also a free platform, which is especially focused on the academic area; In this way you can give your classes in an organized and fast way.

Which tool is the best to automate joining Meet meetings?

In Google Meet, you can add people in 2 ways . One through the private link that you send to people, to later be admitted by the meeting administrator, who determines who enters and who does not. However, there is also another option called Met Auto Admit, which we will explain below:

Meet Auto Admit

This feature is just an extension that was not developed by Google ; but by external developers which you can find in the Google application store.

And in order to find that extension you must enter the following link: . Subsequently, you must proceed to add this extension to your Google browser.  How do you activate the tool for your Meet meetings?

In order to activate this extension, you simply have to go to the Meet meeting , and click on the Meet icon, if you can’t find it, you can go to the puzzle icon (?), and where it says Mett Auto Admit, it will You will click on fix, in this way the people who have the entry link will enter automatically.

What other Meet features can you use to enhance your meetings?

However, in Google Meet, this is not the only function that you can do with your meeting , since there are others which I will explain below:

conference recording

As already mentioned, in Google Meet you can record videoconferences or classes, in this way you can have evidence that you were in it, or be able to review a topic seen in class.

Add subtitles

You can add subtitles to the meetings, in this way you can tell the participants what the meeting is about , and what are the topics to be discussed. This option is ideal for when you are giving classes, since you can tell your students what next class you are going to give.

live surveys

This is a very good tool, because you can carry out surveys of your students or workers on the topic that was discussed in the meeting, and in this way assess whether they really paid attention to the meeting or not, it also serves to know their opinion about something specific.