How to archive apps on Android to save space

A good way to save space on your phone is to activate the parameter to archive apps , a relatively new function that came to Android a few months ago, and that you can easily enable on your smartphone to have a little more free space when you need it.

Space problems should not be a problem if you have a phone with a high storage capacity , for example, 128 GB or more, but there may come a time when it is, especially if you take a lot of photos and videos, install a lot of apps , etc.

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Although there are different tricks by which you can save space on Android , the option to archive applications is another very smart option that allows the system to carry out a kind of “half-way uninstallation” of those apps that have no use. .

Which apps have a low frequency of use are detected and archived, they will disappear from your phone and space will be freed up, but they are not really uninstalled at all, but all their information and settings are stored for when you need to use them again.

This is decided by the Google Play Store, the application store on your Android mobile, you cannot choose which apps are eligible to be archived , the store is in charge of analyzing which ones have less use and carrying out this measure. This is how you can archive apps on Android:

  1. Enter the Google Play Store app and then click on your profile photo.
  2. Then go down the menu and enter the “settings” option .
  3. Now several options will appear, access the one that says “general” .
  4. Finally, you just need to enable the “automatically archive applications” box .

When you activate that option, what will happen is that when your phone considers that it has little space, it will proceed to archive apps not used frequently . When you go to use precisely one of those apps, you will see that it will take a while to open because Android will need to download it “partially” again so that you can use it normally again.

And if you need to know which apps Android has archived, you just have to go to the Google Play Store, click on your profile photo and then go to manage apps and device/manage/archived, there you can see them and manage them as you want .

We recommend activating the option to archive apps if you are one of those who install many apps and in the end you forget about many of them and do not remember to uninstall them due to lack of use, in the end it is what you should do if you want to save space, but this It is also a good way. In addition, it will also help you increase the performance of your Android so that it runs faster.