How to apply the motion effect on an image?

The daily use of social networks, where we usually share moments with loved ones or friends, photographs have become important, not only recreationally but also professionally, at a photographic or aesthetic level either for recreation or for something professional, this is It summarizes filters and effects that will improve the aesthetic quality of the photo .

One of the most popular and efficient tools when editing photos and images is Adobe Photoshop, a specialized program for designing, modifying, improving and rendering images , which throughout its versions has been adding more tools and making the software easier. so that it is not something complicated to understand and apply.

The capacity and function of the program must be taken into account first of all, because it is not the same as using the Instagram filters, which is in a nutshell, they are a set of effects and filters that are already structured and in a certain way automated. to improve the image unlike Photoshop where everything we apply, remove or modify will be manual and our decision .

Let’s start with the basic notion of Photoshop which when opening it will show us an empty space on the screen where our photograph or image is supposed to go, which we can call canvas in photoshop, at the top you can see the set of basic functions, already be it save or edit.

How to apply the motion effect on an image?

In this case we will see the most practical and simple way to apply the famous movement or speed effect in a photograph or image that we want to alter to make it appear that it is moving or at high speed , we must bear in mind that the way that will be explained in this Article may vary depending on the version of Photoshop, however it will be explained in a generalized way.

  1. In the upper part of Photoshop you will see several options that vary from the texture of the image, to text and view of the image, because in this case we are going to occupy the filter option that is the one we are going to use, click there and automatically It will open a set of options where we will click on the blur effect gallery.
  2. Followed by this on our right side a panel of options will be opened that are titled blur tool, we  select path blur and then below we will see several options in the form of a line that indicate speed and narrow, which serve to see how much movement we are going to apply to the image.
  3. In the image we can see that a line appears, this line will indicate the direction of the movement effect, either vertical, horizontal or diagonal, it is important to position the axes in the line well so that it applies efficiently the effect and its direction.
  4. Then we use the sliders of the tool panel to our liking to give it the touch of movement realism that we want, this without making the image look modified or abstract when editing it, because an excess in these sliders would make the image look extremely shallow.

This is the most basic and simple way to apply a movement effect in our photograph or image, we must bear in mind that the excessive use of this effect can distort the image and make it look deformed and without visual coherence. be careful when applying and move the sliders so that it is as natural as possible.

How to save the photograph correctly?

Once our edition is finished, we must press ALT + S to save our edition and save in JPEG or PNG image format depending on the use that we are going to give the photograph.

If it is to publish on a social network, we can simply save it in JPEG, if it is more professional such as for a print or a large website where it requires sharpness and a more number of pixels is saved in PNG that optimizes the rendering of our image avoiding that the sharpness and pixels are lost.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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