How to add social networks on YouTube

Nowadays it is very common to see links from social networks on YouTube channels , for people who have already made a career in this medium. It is very important, since that way your followers will be able to follow you, just by making the published links known.

To link your social networks to your YouTube channel, you must enter the YouTube settings and click where it says “Your Channel” , from here you can make all the necessary adjustments so that your social networks appear in the header.

Remember that social networks will appear in the upper right corner of your YouTube channel, it is also recommended that you share content on social networks, as for example you have the option to upload and share a YouTube video to Instagram from YouTube very easy.

Index(  )

  1. What aspects should be considered before linking your networks to your YouTube channel?
  2. What is the correct way to add links or links on your Youtube profile?
  3. Can you add notes from your networks in your profile information?

What aspects should be considered before linking your networks to your YouTube channel?

When linking your social networks to your YouTube channel, you must bear in mind certain important aspects, one of the most necessary aspects to keep in mind is that when adding social networks you have a maximum of 14 links available to link .

Another thing is that you must consider, is the site where you are going to add these links, since once added, they will appear in the order you add them, that is, try to place the one you consider most important first until the one that is least relevant so that this is the order in which the icons appear. Keep in mind that once added, the icon display form cannot be changed.

The first links added will be those that will be shown in the header of your channel and these will be the ones that get more views and therefore more visits , social networks will help your growth in this medium, in addition to linking or linking my Facebook page to a Youtube channel is very easy to do.

What is the correct way to add links or links on your Youtube profile?

Linking your social networks to your YouTube channel is very simple , if you still do not know how to do it, do not worry that in this article we will show you the step by step so you can achieve it.

Adding social networks to YouTube is very simple, you just have to follow the following steps:

  • The first thing you should do is enter your YouTube channel and locate yourself in your profile picture
  • You must select the option that says Your Channel
  • Then you must click on the section that says Customize Channel
  • A new window will open, in which you must click on more Information
  • You must lower the screen to where you find the word Links
  • When you move the mouse over it, a pencil will appear
  • Select the pencil and a pop-up window will open, where you can add the social networks you want, if you already have one and want to delete it, it is also possible
  • You must put a title, followed by the URL so that users are redirected to the social network they want
  • Then you press where it says Done and the social networks will be added to your YouTube channel

You can add the links that suit you best, we recommend that they be the most used social networks and with the most users , in this way we ensure  the success of your YouTube channel.

Can you add notes from your networks in your profile information?

The answer is yes, YouTube allows you to make any type of note you want , for this you just have to:

  • Enter the menu of your YouTube channel, remember that it is in your profile photo
  • In the pop-up window select where it says Your Channel
  • On the screen you will see some arrows you must select the one that guides to the right
  • There you must select the section that says About
  • Once selected you will be able to read that it says Description, right there you can write what you want, this will be saved and reflected in your channel.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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