How To Activate the Chrome Flag

One of the novelties of Android 12 is the possibility of taking screenshots with scrolling , compatible with many applications, but not with web pages. We knew that this would come later in Google Chrome , and you can now take screenshots of an entire website with Chrome for Android , without having Android 12 .

Starting with Google Chrome 94 , it is possible to activate scrolling screenshots with a Chrome Flag , so that the screenshot will cover the entire web page or, at least, the fragment of your choice.

1. Activate the Chrome Flag

You will need to have Google Chrome 94 or higher, which is currently the latest stable version of Google’s browser. Then it is time to activate a Chrome Flag , for which you need to open the address chrome://flagsin the browser.


How to take screenshots on Android phones

The flag in question is #chrome-share-long-screenshotor, if you prefer to use the search engine, it is called Chrome Share Long Screenshots. Change its value to Enabled and restart Google Chrome for the changes to take effect.

2. Share as screenshot

While the first instinct when taking screenshots is probably to press the usual button combination – or gesture – this time you need to use Google Chrome’s Share menu , after opening the web page in question.

This menu does not stop gaining new elements, among which there are now two buttons to share screenshots. While the button text may not be readable exactly, one says Screenshot and the other says Scrolling Screenshot . Play in this second.

This will show you the web page you have captured, with a selected snippet that you can move using the sliders. Swipe the page using your finger, just like always, and resize the screenshot to cover as much as you like.

Finally, you only need to press the accept button and decide what you are going to do with the screenshot. Basically you have two options: share it in other applications or save it on the device , in which case it is processed as if it were a file download from Google Chrome (that is, you will not find it in the screenshots folder of the mobile).

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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