How to activate incognito mode on my keyboard?

Over the years, humans have developed a great many ways in which we all keep in touch. One of the most popular ways we do this is through mobile phones. These originally could only make calls and receive messages, however, with the passage of time we created Smartphones.

Smartphones are incredible devices, because within the space of these, which fit in the palm of your hand, they keep a computer with all the normal functionalities of a desktop. It is more, in any case, more functionality than a desktop computer.

Among Smartphones there are a lot of auxiliary applications and programs, such as the Swiftkey keyboard. Today we will teach you everything about this keyboard and one of its special modes.

What is the Swiftkey keyboard and what is incognito mode?

The Swift Key keyboard was created in 2010 by J. Reynolds and Dr. Medlock, both citizens of the United States of America. His company gained a lot of attention, mostly because of the text prediction systems the program uses. This is part of the series of the best keyboards available for Android.

These text prediction systems gave him the opportunity to cope with the technologies Apple was developing for auto – completion and auto-correction. These apple systems were highly advanced for their time.

However, the problem with these was that Apple had exclusivity over the technology they developed, and they never wanted to distribute it to other brands.

Even so, SwiftKey emerged victorious over this problem due to its greater availability, in addition to the fact that the keyboard is free and you can download it for any phone you want through its publication in the Google Playstore.

The Swiftkey keyboard uses state-of-the-art technology to be able to recognize which words you are going to use and when to offer you the suggestion to add them to the text. Based on this, many users complain because they feel that the keyboard itself is watching them. However, there is a mode called Incognito that allows you to remove this feature from the keyboard.

How can I activate incognito mode on my keyboard?

This is a procedure that is very famous, because every day more people realize how uncomfortable it is to have a keyboard that records all the words you type , because any malicious person who has access to this information can create irreparable damage to the identity of the victim.

This is because every day we write endless words on the keyboard that at first glance do not seem like much, but when you see that you really write, you realize the danger you are in.

On your keyboard you write any type of information a day that can range from harmless data such as your favorite color. However, when entering a bank you have to use your credentials , that is, write them through the keyboard.

If it is “Remembering” or actively recording what you write, you will realize that it is a very important security breach that you have to eliminate.

If you want to activate incognito mode, you will need to open any text box that lets you bring up the Swiftkey keyboard. Once you are there, you must press the button with the three horizontal stripes that is at the top left. This will open a menu with all the options, and you can even remove the vibration of the Swiftkey keyboard from there. However, we will concentrate on the button that has a mask.

What advantages does incognito mode give me?

This button allows you to activate incognito mode and thus be able to safeguard your information more effectively on the web. If you don’t create a record of everything you type on the keyboard, you will never be in danger.

It is important that you know that no type of information from you will be supplied to the Artificial Intelligence program that generates the word suggestions that you see every time you write a message.

Another advantage that it gives you is that you will be able to write without having to take into account the infinite text suggestions it makes, and that on some phones it even changes the word without your permission . You can change the keyboard of your Android whenever you want without problems.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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