How the Brain Productvity Works

This time we will review together about how to increase work productivity not on systems or techniques for problem solving and job completion using the latest methods. Let’s go back to the very upstream part, where an action starts, which starts from the worker’s brain.

One simple way that can be done is to improve or train the memory to be stronger so that it supports the completion of an action more quickly. A simple example, if you forget where to put your car keys, it will take longer for the car to start running, it will take longer to arrive at work, essentially reducing productivity.

Why is memory so important? According to Donald H. Weiss, memory is a storehouse of information or images, or the process of generating or reviving our experiences. So it is very important to keep your memory strong.

Some of the ways the brain works that support our memory and productivity in doing a or a series of jobs, including the following:

  1. Visualizing memories through pictures
    Every one of us who has experience in remembering something will be helped if there is visualization of both pictures and symbols. Research on this conducted at the University of Helsinki proves that if you remember information, along with an image, it will make it easier for your brain to recall the memory. Therefore data in infographicview is easier to remember, than data in ordinary table view.
  2. Write down objects that will be remembered.
    The process of writing something down helps the brain to think and remember. So the habit of writing is a good habit to maximize brain work and help increase productivity. Because when someone writes it has experience involving more senses. That is why even though there is literature or training material available, it is advisable to keep making notes yourself.
  3. Get used to making categories
    An effective way to maximize the work of the other brain is to get used to compiling categories. If you take notes on the evernote application, pocket, feedly, blog, and so on, give a category for each content.

Likewise, in everyday life at home or at work, make it a habit to arrange books or items according to categories including arranging clothes in the wardrobe, arranging money in your wallet according to the denomination of the amount of money, and so on.

  1. Sharingwith others
    More than just writing, if you make it a habit to share or share or teach something that you know to others, the brain is also forced to think. The more often you think and say it over and over again, the more it will be recorded in your long-term memory, not easily forgetting.

That is also why a mentor, teacher and lecturer, as well as facilitators or broadcasters, journalists and other presenters, can easily answer questions, because they have been recorded in memory because they often say this.

  1. Playing gamesor simulations that stimulate the brain to think.
    Often in training materials, trainerscombine various methods in order to produce a maximum learning process, one of which is by using games or simulations. In the Building Business Acumen training from VBLC, for example, using a business simulation to help participants understand and remember the principles of how a company earns income. In general, participants will remember more easily.

Some of the simple things mentioned above, if done consistently will go a long way in increasing your productivity. The human brain was created by a Creator with extraordinary thinking abilities, and can even generate 70,000 ideas per day. It is a shame if it is not maximized to increase productivity and do useful things.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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