How successful people make time to read

The wealthiest entrepreneurs read a lot, and it is reading that they attribute part of their success to. Get inspired by their example.When Buffett was once asked what the key to success was, he replied: “Read 500 pages every day. Knowledge is accumulated like interest on a deposit. Anyone can do it, but few people actually do it. ”

At the beginning of his investing career, Buffett himself read 600 to 1,000 pages a day. And now he tries to devote 80% of his time to reading. How does he do it? He simply considers it a priority task.

Mark Cuban

Entrepreneur, owner of Landmark Theaters, head of HDNet.

Cuban reads for about 3 hours a day, this gives him a sense of confidence in his abilities. According to him, as a child, he read every book and magazine that came into his hands, because just one good thought could decide whether he would achieve something or not.

“It seems to me that if I spend enough time consuming all the information available, I will achieve an advantage in my business,” says Cuban.

Bill Gates

Entrepreneur and public figure, creator of Microsoft.

Gates reads 50 books a year. According to him, despite the fact that he travels a lot and meets interesting people, reading is still the main way for him to learn something new and expand his views. He always takes books with him on the road.

Elon Musk

Entrepreneur, inventor and investor.

The prices for building rockets were prohibitively high, so Musk decided to learn how to build them himself. For this he read books . He strove for a specific goal, longed for specific knowledge and did not stop until he learned what he wanted.

Tony Robbins

Writer, entrepreneur, coach, bestselling author of life coaching.

Tony Robbins grew up in a dysfunctional family, his mother suffered from alcoholism. He says reading saved his life and helped him become stronger.

“I took a speed reading course and in seven years read 700 books on psychology, physiology and everything that can somehow change your life,” said Robbins.

The Lifehacker Telegram channel contains only the best texts about technology, relationships, sports, cinema, finance and much more. Subscribe!

How to read more

  1. Go to libraries

It’s an inexpensive way to access thousands of books.

  1. Read with a timer

It doesn’t matter how much time you have, 30 minutes or 3 hours, the timer will keep you immersed in your reading and not distracted.

  1. Always keep a book close at hand

Listen to audiobooks on the road. Don’t waste time waiting – always carry a paper or e-book with you.

  1. Read before bed

Research shows we metabolize more before bed informationand reading can help you fall asleep. And if you read at the same time every night, reading will quickly become a habit.

  1. Read at least three chapters

Give the book a chance, read the three chapters, but if you don’t like it at all, don’t force yourself to finish reading to the end. There is no point in wasting time on something that does not bring you any benefit or pleasure.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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