How Social Media affects a brand’s SEO

There are countless strategies aimed at improving the positioning of a website . Climbing positions on Google and search engines is feasible if you implement a series of strategies relating to social media . The latter, it is well known, constitute an important pool of users who often cover the role of visitors.

Therefore, it is true that the SEO of a website is connected with the search engines. However, it must be said in this regard that social networks also play a decisive role in optimization, for the simple reason that they act as a sounding board for queries typed online.

Sharing content generates backlinks and if profiles with a high number of followers do this, a solid foundation is laid for improving positioning. From a commercial perspective, for any brand the fundamental thing is to increase traffic on the website, since it inevitably means improving the ranking and in fact being more exposed to notoriety.

Here are some useful tips, aimed at seeing how social media can act on the SEO of a brand .

  • Backlink acquisition
    Various social networks play an essential role in relation to the creation of backlinks. The links published on Facebook, for example, bring backlinks that can significantly improve the value assigned to the web page in terms of indexing. Specifically, in the face of a greater number of shares of a page within Facebook found by the Google crawler, the higher the value of that given page will be. In this sense, the pages of that particular brand climb positions on Google and on search engines, becoming easier to find for Internet users.
  • Brand Awareness
    The Brand Awarenessis without a doubt one of the most obvious ways in which social networks act on the SEO of a brand. More and more successful brands, as well as novice brands, decide to focus on social campaigns to increase the level of online notoriety. In this way, the entrepreneurial realities in question do nothing but create their own audience with the consequent increase in visits to the website. And if the name of the brand begins to circulate on the web, the rumors are formed between comments, quotes, dedicated posts and much more. In short, the contents related to that particular brand can only benefit from it, to the point that the improvement of the website’s SEO will be considerable, precisely following the increase in organic searches carried out on Google.
  • Widening one’s audience
    Social networks also have the merit of broadening the audience of brands, promoting content also to subjects who are not part of the reference target; at least, initially. Facebook Ads allows brands to communicate with a well-defined audience. The latter constitutes the potential customers that that particular brand tries to intercept. Only with an increase in traffic on the website, there are all the conditions to expand one’s audience through the improvement of SEO, given by the better positioning on search engines.
  • Focus on the role of influencers
    More and more successful brands are using digital PR strategies, referring in particular to influencers. First of all, it is essential to choose the right social network to communicate with the potential audience. On Instagram, for example, there are influencers for each business sector and for each reference sector. When choosing, the brand’s task is to ascertain the added value that the influencer can really guarantee; this is certainly not measured by the number of followers (which are also important), but by the consistency of its know-how in relation to a given core business. Finding celebrities, industry experts and professionals with a good base of followers who review a brand’s products, just before it goes on sale, is certainly a considerable advantage also from an SEO perspective. The content posted, in fact,
  • Remarketing
    The combination of social networks and SEO becomes even more consolidated when remarketingis possible . Specifically, when the internet user types the keywords on the search engine, he often comes across a website. From the first connection, following your authorization, a cookie is associated with the browser you use to browse online. This small piece of Javascript code is intended to follow the Internet user’s activities, providing the remarketing provider the advantageous opportunity to show him advertisements to the user who has already connected to the website. By presenting him with some of the articles he may have seen previously, he is again invited to connect to the website.
    The aforementioned strategy, if applied on social platforms, proves to be very useful in the results, because you interact with a very large slice of the public. In fact, the traffic produced by a specific SEO action is exploited to the best and, at the same time, the aim is to increase conversions, showing the message to followers / subscribers. Not surprisingly, the latter have a better chance of belonging to the brand’s target.

Link building on social networks

Among the most successful SEO techniques, when there is a propulsive boost to the quality of backlinks on a website, there is certainly link building on social networks . Just like the normal SEO link building campaign on a site or an e-commerce, by acting on social platforms, it is possible to improve the ranking of a brand, although a necessary premise must be made: the outgoing links from social networks are NoFollow .

Here are some useful ideas, so that link building on social networks leads to the desired results, increasing the popularity of the brand and helping to ensure greater authority at the source.

  • Inclusion of links within social profiles: the website link must always be inserted every time new content is published on the bulletin board. The same goes for videos, photos and for the featured posts on social networks.
  • Subscribers and Internet users must read the comments carefully: this aspect, unfortunately, almost always ends up in the background. With the increase in online content, it is difficult to stop reading them. To promote them, as for the contents, it is good that the text is readable, incisive and that it brings added value to those directly involved. Perhaps by providing a solution to a problem.
  • Look at how the competition moves: how do the brand’s competitors move on social networks from an SEO perspective? Viewing their social profiles can give rise to interesting insights.
  • Always good content creation
  • Membership of communities on social networks: being part of communities on social platforms is an excellent choice both in terms of SEO and in terms of link building. In all these communities, interacting with readers, answering their questions, will be essential to be able to climb positions on search engines. Crucially, it is important that you always talk about that particular brand.

Make the most of social networks

There are a whole series of actions that, if carried out consistently, allow the brand to reach important goals

  • High-impact images: when posting content on social media, the choice of images is essential to catch the attention of those who read the posts. Even in this way, the foundations are laid to generate a greater number of interactions.
  • To have a high search engine rating, social channels must be constantly updated. Ergo, posting photos, publishing interesting content, launching contests are operations to be carried out regularly.
  • To improve SEO positioning, there is no wiser strategy than sponsoring the most relevant posts. By aiming strongly at it, obtaining a better positioning of the website from an SEO perspective will certainly not be a mirage.
  • Promote the involvement of contacts, ensuring their real interest in the content posted In fact, if they share an article, a thought, a reflection on a given brand, it will stimulate interaction, favoring the publication of comments.

The building of consolidated ties with one’s target, the promotion to the reference public, the sharing of comments and opinions and finally the possibility of expressing the identity of the brand are among the online activities strictly connected with the world of social networks. Therefore, both social networks and SEO strategies are confirmed as two excellent tools, to be necessarily combined, so that the marketing strategy turns out to be successful.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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