How much does YouTube pay for subscribers or visits?

Who does not know YouTube! It is the largest social transmission site on the internet, every day more consumers are subscribing. Many create a channel to transmit content and receive remuneration doing what they like and share it, but how much does YouTube pay for subscribers or visits?

Index(  )

  1. How much does YouTube pay for subscribers or visits?
  2. What does payment depend on on YouTube? How much do you pay for visits?
  3. How much does YouTube pay for every 1000 visits?
  4. What influences the payment
    1. Let’s remember what YouTube is
  5. How much can you earn on YouTube depending on the country?
  6. How much will a Youtuber earn per million subscribers?
  7. How much can Top YouTubers actually earn?

How much does YouTube pay for subscribers or visits?

Today it is very common for people to want to become an influencer and earn money through the creation of content on this digital platform. The big question asked by all those who want to get started in the world of YouTube, is how much do you pay for your subscriptions or for views.

This monetary issue has always generated uncertainty in the user community, but even more so in those who are looking to start as a YouTuber. But the reality is that you must take into account several factors that influence the payment that the platform makes to its active users.

What does payment depend on on YouTube? How much do you pay for visits?

As we have already mentioned, the payment is subject to several conditions, which contribute to what a channel creator may receive. It is no secret to anyone that giving a specific figure is complex because the payment is adapted to the following conditions.

  • Type of audience: Remember that there is a great variety of audience that your content will reach, and each one is more in demand than others. Among these there are children, housewives, lovers of beauty, sports, cooking and a long list of what exists.
  • Channel design: The structure of the presentation of the videos definitely attracts an audience.
  • The language: Not all languages ​​generate the same amount of visits, surely the most common languages ​​are the most frequented videos.
  • The channel theme
  • Video length
  • Advertisers: They are like channel sponsors, if your videos generate views, they pay you.
  • Partner.

The minimum payment is 0.5 USD per thousand visits , but that varies depending on the country where you monetize and the price of national currency. In Europe you can pay almost one euro per thousand views, we return to the same thing, it cannot be said that there is a specific payment.

It only remains to do the math and investigate how to work effectively with YouTube, sure that with the tricks to increase visits you will generate satisfactory income.

How much does YouTube pay for every 1000 visits?

Having a YouTube channel has become one of the most used means today by millions of people in the world to obtain money from home. But there are several factors that will determine how much you can earn on YouTube for every 1000 visits. And among these we can count, the audience to which it is directed, the language or country, the type of content that is broadcast in the video, etc.

But even so, you will not have an exact payment from YouTube for every 1000 visits and this can range from 2 to 35 dollars. Therefore we can see people who earn $ 15 for every 1000 visits, while others can earn $ 2.5. And this will be according to the factors that we mentioned earlier.

What influences the payment

All of the above will affect in a positive or negative way, so that the public that generates the visits is captured and allow you to charge. Hence the hard work that goes into being a content creator on YouTube , at first it may be difficult, but at the same time it works.

That is why the creator of the channel encourages subscribers to keep the notification bell activated so that they can watch the videos. We can say that the payment on YouTube for visiting is relative , who creates the channel determines how much it will charge by tracking the visits .

Let’s remember what YouTube is

To understand a little better how the monetary system of the YouTube social network works, let’s briefly remember what this platform consists of. Working from home with YouTube and generating income is an opportunity that many are considering, or even already started to generate income.

  • It is a website where videos are broadcast,channel followers express their acceptance through a Like or Dislike.
  • It can be broadcast live , and others give their comments, subscribe to the channels they want, helping whoever creates the content on YouTube.
  • This platform is the second most requested in the search engine, of course after Googlewho owns the rights to YouTube.


If you are motivated to start your own YouTube channel and feel that the paid factor worries you, hopefully the article has worked for you. All those who are users of this platform and have a channel know that it requires a lot of effort and constant work.

How much can you earn on YouTube depending on the country?

This is a very important factor that must be taken into account when you want to know what the average earnings you will receive from YouTube will be . Since the videos that are made in English-speaking countries will have higher profits than those that are made in countries where another language is spoken such as Spanish for example.

As the English language has greater penetration and is the most widely spoken in the world, advertisers will pay more for those videos from countries that use English as their official language . Therefore, being a YouTuber in Spain, Argentina or Mexico will not be the same as being a YouTuber from the United States, Canada or the United Kingdom.

How much will a Youtuber earn per million subscribers?

We must understand that a YouTuber will not earn money by the number of subscribers they have , since what really matters is the number of views their videos have. But of course the number of subscribers greatly influences the views you will have on any content that you upload to the platform.

And this is easy to understand, because a person who has 10,000 subscribers will have a greater chance of obtaining 1000 views or reproductions. Therefore, if you are a YouTuber who has 1 million subscribers, you will have a great chance of having more than 10,000 views and thus obtaining more than 10,000 euros .

How much can Top YouTubers actually earn?

Today there are famous YouTuber who earn astronomical sums of money and you do not imagine that these figures could be reached. In the last measurement that was made in 2021 of the top 10 YouTuber who have made the most money on YouTube. You can see figures that range between $ 14 million and $ 22 million , what do you think?

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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