How many Walmart stores does Guatemala have and where are they located?

Walmart , is a chain of stores , which is born in the United States; Many think that this store is only distributed in that country, but it is not the case, this chain of large stores is also distributed by several countries in Central America.

It should be mentioned that Guatemala has a great diversity of these stores; Many of its inhabitants do not know the places where they are or which is the one that is located closer to their homes; For this reason we will mention all the stores and their location, so that you can visit them as soon as possible.

Walmart Guatemala

This store has a very long history , being one of the largest and most recognized companies in the world; It went from being only from the United States to becoming part of other countries; This chain of stores is very important since it offers a great diversity of products and promotions that will allow you to buy everything you need.

This chain of stores has four store formats , in Central America, which are: Discounts (Family Pantry and Palí), Supermarkets (Paiz, Don Juan’s Pantry, La Union and Masxmenos), Wineries (Maxi Despena and Maxi Palí), finally there is Supercenter (Walmart). By this variety of formats they manage to reach more communities.

Its main vision in the country is: To contribute, to improve the quality of life of all families in Mexico and throughout Central America, offering its clients and partners the best merchandise, excellent service and affordable prices for the entire population, for On the other hand, they also have a customer service system through their social networks.

In addition, it creates employment to contribute to the development of the community, promotes the growth of business partners, offers competitive salaries, benefits and any other type of opportunities.

How many Walmart Guatemala stores are there and where are they located?

The number of “Walmart Guatemala” stores are: 10, while the “Despensa familiar”, “Paiz” and “Maxi pannsa” stores are: 22. You can choose the store of your preference to make your purchases.

The specific places where the Walmart stores are located are the following: “Walmart Atanasio” (Diagonal 3 17-07) Calzada Atanasio tzul, zone 12 between 177 and 18 of Calzada street), “Walmart Álamos” (0 avenida 0-68 Beautiful Villa, 1 zone 7 San Miguel Petapa), “Walmart del norte” (Highway to the Atlantic, zone 17, Los Alamos shopping center), “Walmart Mixco” (Km 13.8 Roosevelt road zone 3 Mixco Guatemala).

Then there are also : “Walmart Roosevelt” (Roosevelt road 26-29, zone 11), “Walmart Xela” (Av.Américas Pradera shopping center, zone 3 Quetzaltenango), “Walmart Bosques de San Nicoles” (41AV, 3-10 zone 4 of the forests of San Nicolás shopping center), ”Walmart Puerta Parada” (Km, 15.5 El Salvador highway), “Walmart Próceres” (10 street 26-21 area, Arkadia shopping center) and “Walmart Villa nueva” (Km 17.5 Highway to the Pacific).

The other Walmart stores are: “Despensa familiar” (Av. Petapa 9-02, zona12), (Calle 12-61, co.5, Samayoa Zona 7), (4a, calle 20-12, zona 6) “Las Paiz stores ”: (20 calle 25-85 zona 10), (In front of the bus stop that goes to tela), (6th Av. 0-60 zone 4, commercial street),“ Maxi pantry ”(Calzada Roosevelt and 37 avenue) (Calle 7,13-94, highway to Amatitlán).

How can I get to Walmart stores?

There are several ways to find out which is your closest Walmart store and how to get to it, what we recommend you do is the following: If you are going by taxi, you can tell it to take you to the closest Walmart or give it one of the addresses mentioned previously.

On the other hand, if you go to the store by private car, you can put the address in your GPS, this way you will reach your destination without getting lost; Similarly, if you go by public transport, the following transport lines have routes that pass near Walmart, which are: 101, 101A, 110, 111.

If you take one of this route, it will not take you more than 60 minutes to reach your destination, there are also different bus stations near Walmart (in zone 10): Pradera, RD –Gua 21,25-56, 26 Avenida, 2 -49.26 Avenida, 15.