How long does it take to defuse in Valorant


  • How long does it take to disable a spike?
  • Disarm Mechanic
  • Difference in sound when disarming a spike
  • Summarizing

Valorant, like CS:GO and Rainbow Six Siege, is another 5v5 first-person shooter where you have to set a surge while the opposing team’s job is to either prevent it or successfully defuse the surge to win. the corresponding round.

However, many players are unaware of this tiny important piece of information, especially when they are grabbing; how long does it take to deactivate a spike?

How long does it take to disable a spike?

It takes seven seconds to disable a spike in Valorant. The spike is similar to the bomb in CS:GO and can only be placed inside the bomb site. Once launched, the defenders will have 45 seconds to disable the spike before it explodes.

Keep in mind that time is of the essence; Killing all attackers after the plant will not win you the round, but it will disable the spike. So you need to have those extra seven seconds to disable or all your efforts will be in vain.

Disarm Mechanic

Although it takes seven seconds to discharge the spike at a time, if you feel like an enemy is close to you and can easily finish you off while you’re busy disabling, you can leave the spike half-disabled.

Half of the disarm takes 3.5 seconds, but after you and your team have successfully eliminated everyone, you can return to disable the remaining spike, which will take another 3.5 seconds to fully disable.

Half Disabled Spike

Completely Disarmed Spike

It should be remembered that while you are about to disable the spike, if a concentric circle appears in front of you, this means that you do not have enough time to completely disable the spike (enough time for a semi-disable), so the better alternative is to run and save your equipment instead and economy.

(inner circle – concentric circle)

Difference in sound when disarming a spike

Fake detente is a common tactic used by defenders to lure attackers into showing themselves so defenders have a chance to take them down. Even professional players fall for fake detente, so the question arises; How do you know if someone is faking or not?

If you listen carefully, you will notice the difference when one of the defenders presses the spike for the first time, it has a different sound signal than when someone half disarms. The first deactivation sound has a low volume level, while the half-deactivated splash has a higher tone.

Here is a sound image of the difference between the sound of full and half discharge:

So if you’re hiding somewhere waiting for an enemy to come up to disable, be sure to pop in if you hear a higher beep because there’s a good chance the enemy will stick to it!


Dispelling the thorn is not so easy; There are a lot of things you need to know about in order to better understand the disable mechanics. We don’t expect you to learn this in a day; however, constant practice will surely help you improve your post-installation skills and win those crucial rounds for your team!