How long a game of Fortnite lasts

Although it may seem unbelievable, knowing how long a game lasts in Fortnite can be helpful when we have something to do and we don’t know if we’ll have time to play a game of Battle Royale in the time before it. That’s why, in this guide, we’ll tell you how long a game lasts approximately .

How long does a Fortnite Battle Royale match last?

The approximate time of a Fortnite game is more or less about 20 minutes on average . Although this depends a lot on whether we are playing during the first days or the first weeks of the launch of a new season compared to the last ones, since at the beginning of these people usually go to the new locations on the map, where it is easier to die quickly , and therefore end a game earlier than normal.

Also, it influences whether you play solo , duo or squads, as well as whether you use build mode or zero build mode. So, at least a Fortnite game lasts 15 minutes, while the longest can take up to 30 minutes if several players carry enough heals to withstand the complete closure of the circle.

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