How is the Cooper Test?

When we enroll in a gym, one of the first steps is physical assessment. This is essential for professionals to get to know their personal characteristics better, so that they can make recommendations and tips that are convenient to their goals and particularities. This test is not done at any establishment, so it is important to stay on top of what Cooper’s test looks like, and how important it can be for you to assess your earnings. Let’s understand a little better about what are the characteristics of this evaluation.

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Which is?

Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper was responsible for creating this test method. In 1968, a method was needed to assess the combatants’ physical endurance, and this test was the alternative found.


Cooper’s test should be done to measure aerobic fitness, that is, to identify your body’s ability to use oxygen for energy production, then turn it into action. This test is closely linked to the  concept of VO2 max , which in simple terms, is nothing more than the value equivalent to the maximum oxygen consumption that your body can contain. Cooper’s test is nothing more than a stress test.

The assessment allows the person’s physical conditioning to be classified according to the distance covered, age and sex. Cooper’s test is very common in military tests.

This can be considered a simple and inexpensive option to know the physical characteristics of a person, and to know their evolution through the comparison of the periodic results can become the motivation to remain firm in the purpose of pursuing a healthy life with results always better.

How it works?

The following equipment is required for the test: a flat or slightly inclined mat, markers, record sheets and stopwatch.

The procedure requires that the markers be set according to the definition of the intervals, thus helping to measure the distance covered. Ideally, the intervals should be 20 meters, that is, you would need 20 markers.

It is recommended that participants run for 12 minutes, as long as they can, and the total distance should be recorded for evaluation. It is allowed to perform the Cooper test at rest, but it is recommended to use light shoes appropriate for physical activities.

It is necessary to calculate the VO2 max value, so that the results are then interpreted through the pre-determined tables with approximate values. VO2 max can be calculated using the following formula:

VO2 max =  (Distance covered (meters) – 504.9)


After calculating the VO2 max value, you will be able to follow if you have aerobic capacity consistent with your age group or not. This monitoring is very interesting to try to evolve physical conditioning .

The table below can be used for general guidance on the interpretation of the results obtained in the Cooper test. These results are based on some sources and are only approximate values ​​to the real ones.

Who should take the Cooper test?

This test is performed by athletes and athletes who need more support for possible eventualities during competitions, but physically active people can also ask their physical educators to guide them through the test. It is worth remembering that a test is needed to identify whether you are able to make the necessary effort or not.


The confidence in the results obtained with the Cooper test can vary according to the person who is responsible for the calculation of VO2 max, as this value is essential for the identification of their physical conditioning. Exercise stimulation strategies and your level of motivation can also be the differential for you to run more and achieve better results.


Because it is a low-cost assessment, the Cooper test can be done with large groups, that is, you can combine with the whole family to perform the test together, so they will follow everyone’s physical evolution.

This test also gives you better control over your diet and exercise, as it will identify where to best adjust to maintain the expected progression.

It is allowed to perform the test not only on the ground with markings every 100 meters, but there are those who prefer to run on the treadmill, which requires monitoring of the distance covered, which can be viewed on the device’s display, while the tests performed on tracks have markings made on the ground.


Performance on this test can be greatly affected by motivation, as it is an extremely punctual assessment. Maintaining control and reaching goals can become a challenge that often leads some people to retake the test.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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