How is it possible to live with enthusiasm and satisfaction

To live your life with satisfaction , with enthusiasm and joy there are no recipes or rules, but there are “methods” that you can apply using two of your very powerful tools: the subconscious and positive energy.

First tool: your unconscious brain

Your unconscious or subconscious mind helps you to become what you want to be as it is activated every time you think clearly and intensely about what you want to be, what you want to achieve, what you want to do.
The more your unconscious brain desires and visualizes what you want to be and what you want to do, the more it elaborates ideas and solutions and helps you solve problems .

All this works well if you are clear about what you want to achieve, if you are clear about the goal !
The more you learn to use the hidden power of your unconscious mind, the faster you will achieve what you want, thus building a life full of success and satisfaction.

A simple trick is to visualize your life as you want it , you have to visualize it as if you have already achieved your goals, as if you were already living it .
You have to create a clear, sharp and giant image of what you want to be , of the final result you want to achieve.

You need to give your unconscious brain the elements to focus on and work on to achieve the goal you have set for yourself.
By doing so you stimulate your brain to find ways and solutions to make you reach the goal, the faster and more clearly the more you think intensely and continuously about what you want to achieve.

Watch the video “ Your subconscious mind ” to find out how to use your subconscious to get  more results and in a shorter time .
Learn the effective way to use your unconscious brain’s powerful tool, even  while you are sleeping .
Download it for free  by clicking below, you will find some  practical ways  to use your unconscious brain.





Download the video and find out how to use your subconscious to achieve what you want and become what you want to be


Second tool: positive energy

Since everyone tends to please the people they hang out with , if you hang out with people who have high standards of living, culture and habits it is normal that you too will tend to raise your standard of living, your standard of behavior, your habits.

Doing so will increase the quality of the books you read, the programs you watch, the topics you discuss, or the things you seek.
If, on the other hand, you frequent people with a lower standard of living than yours, you will also tend to lower your standard of living.
This means that you become better if you frequent the best and you will be more successful if you surround yourself with good and capable people.

Positive examples influence and stimulate your growth and creativity.
Being a positive person helps to be successful at work, in the family, with friends, so you must become a person capable of taking away negative energy and bringing positive energy , involving and drawing others along with your enthusiasm.

In order to do this you must be able to recognize situations in which negative energy is created and to stop this flow to  bring positive energy to others .

A trick to being positive even in negative situations is to visualize three things that are very important to you.
You must visualize three great satisfactions in your life , such as love for your partner, love for your children, love for your health, for your well-being, the satisfaction of your work or sporting successes, love for the community.
Then smile and be pleased because you are lucky!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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