How do you put the day of the week that it is on Instagram? – All methods

In instagram there are a wide variety of functions that can give your publications a different and particular style, as well as locate them in time and space. One of these actions is to place the day of the week in which a certain publication is made.

How do you put the Day of the Week on Instagram? – All Methods

Index( )

  1. What are the steps to put the day in an Instagram story?
  2. How can you put the days on Instagram?
    1. From the suggested stickers
    2. with some filters
    3. Writing the day in the search for Stickers
  3. How do you set the time on Instagram stories?

What are the steps to put the day in an Instagram story?

The first thing you have to do is enter the application, once in it at the top we see the icon to create a publication , select it. A menu of the types of publication will be displayed, choose story , add the image from the gallery by pressing the icon in the lower left corner or taking a new one with the circular button that appears on the screen.

From this point you have alternatives to place the day in your story , it can be through stickers or filters, choose according to the style you want to print on your publication. Once you have placed it, click on ‘Done’ in the upper left corner. You will return to the main screen of the editor where you will only have to press the ‘Send to’ button, wait for it to update and that’s it.

How can you put the days on Instagram?

There are several options to place the day of the week on Instagram, choose the one that is easiest for you to work with and that suits the style of your publications.

From the suggested stickers

Once you are in the instagram application, go to the main page, selecting the house-shaped icon located at the bottom of the screen. When you are in it, slide the left edge of the screen to the right, once you are in the instagram image editor and the photo you want to add is placed, we will proceed to place the sticker.

At the top of the screen, press the square-shaped icon that resembles a happy face, a pop-up menu will appear, slide the screen up until you reach the end of it where you will see a sticker with the day of the week .

When you choose this sticker, the chosen image will appear with the name of the day of publication in the center, remember that you can place it anywhere on the screen, as well as increase and decrease its dimensions with the option on the left side.

with some filters

Another quite creative option are those filters that in their design, in addition to the correction or embellishment function, contain this type of information. To do this, once you have loaded the image and in the multimedia content editor, go to the top of the screen, there you will find a ribbon with various icons. Select the one corresponding to the filters that has the shape of stars.

The filters section will open immediately, you will have to search among them, until you find the one that has the day of the week that you are at that moment, to do this, explore the icons in the shape of a circle located at the bottom of the screen and that correspond to the filters that you can use.

Select the one that meets your requirement. You will see that the image will change due to the filter and will appear on it on the day of the week you are on. Press the ‘Done’ button at the top of the screen. Finally send the image for publication by pressing the ‘Send to’ button. Remember that you can save the filters of your choice so that you can use them whenever you want.

Writing the day in the search for Stickers

If the previous options are not to your liking, you can go to the stickers search box, for this click on the square figure with a happy face on the ribbon that is located at the top of the main editor screen of pictures.

A menu with the stickers will automatically appear, inside the search box, above, place ‘Day of the week’. A series of emoticons will appear below which are the options to place the day of the week with different styles. Choose the one you prefer and that’s it, publish your story in the usual way.

How do you set the time on Instagram stories?

You can also add the time to your stories, in a similar way to placing the date on your photos , for this you just have to add a time sticker. Once you have selected the image to which you want to add it, at the top there is an icon similar to a happy face, click on it.

A menu will be displayed scroll down the menu until you find the animation of the time, you can also use the search box, writing the word ‘Time’ in it, go up the screen until you find the style options for the time, select the one that you like and that’s it.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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