How do you make a website with Wix for free? – Walkthrough

You need a website, but you don’t have the budget to buy one and a domain ; Well, don’t worry, because with Wix you can do it totally free and easy. So if you are interested in how you can create that website with Wix, stay here and learn how you can do it.

How do you make a website with WIX for free? – Walkthrough

Index( )

  1. What to do if you do not have premium access to the Wix platform?
  2. How to create your own website using the Wix platform?
    1. From Windows PC or Mac
    2. With an Android or iOS mobile device
  3. How to set up your page made in Wix for mobile devices?
  4. How to see the preview of your page made in Wix?

What to do if you do not have premium access to the Wix platform?

To create a Wix account, it does not necessarily have to be a premium account , since they allow you to access a free account in which you can choose your templates and the design of your page. Of course there are some that are paid and the functions of the account are limited. For example , the web domain of your page .

More, however, can be a great help when you want to start with the world of technology. On the other hand, Wix is ​​not only the only platform that allows you to create a website for free;  since there is also Google Sites, in which you can create your own web page for free, in which you can also make your digital portfolio, where you expose all the services you offer.

How to create your own website using the Wix platform?

Now, as we mentioned before, with Wix you can create your own page totally free , accessing mainly its web page; followed by this you go to the part where it says to register. In this part, you can register with your Google account or with a Facebook account, followed by this, you must follow the steps that we are going to describe below:

From Windows PC or Mac

If you leave your profile and firstly, you must enter the Wix website, then you go to the registration part, and you register either with your Google or Facebook account, after you have already registered, Wix It will ask you some necessary questions to create your account, later, you can customize your template as you want, in this way you will have your website totally free.

With an Android or iOS mobile device

If you do it from your mobile device; You can do it just as we did with the web page by entering from your browser, or downloading its application in the application store that you have on your phone, followed by this you can register with the same steps that we already mentioned above.

On the other hand, it is very important that you know how to choose good content for your web page that you want to carry out, so that your clients or your future readers can get hooked on your page and visit it constantly. So having good keywords will help you grow your business and grow your page.

How to set up your page made in Wix for mobile devices?

In order to configure your Wix page, so that it looks optimized on mobile devices ; Mainly, you must enter your account, and followed by this you go to the entry or page you created and click on the options bar that is located in the top bar of the page editor, then click where it says optimized for mobile.

Then you click where it says to enable the mobile option, in this part you can activate or deactivate it, after you choose the option, click on close; In this way you can have a mobile version of your optimized website.

How to see the preview of your page made in Wix?

To preview content you have written on your Wix page; Mainly, it saves all those changes that you make on this page, in this way you never lose any details or changes that you have made. Following this in the upper right where the editor bars are, you will find   the preview option.

Once you are there, it will visualize how your page will look to other people, in this way you can have a better knowledge of how external people view your content, and try to improve it every day. So that your readers or customers will find a store, they do not feel bored browsing your website, but they constantly return to it.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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