I often hear:  I do not know what my passion is. How do I find it and how do I know I have found the right one?

Many people have the notion that their passion must be great, so it does not have to be. You do not have to save the world or make a big impression on the lives of others. It’s about doing what makes you feel good, what’s great about you. It can be about having more time to read books, to write, to take on the garden, to take more courses, to be able to take the day as it comes, etc. Throw away the saboteur who compares you to others and throw away ideas about how you think it should be. Know what you long for and what you feel good about.

Emotions indicate whether your inner longing and will agree with your outer actions. As soon as you feel joy, pride, gratitude, etc. over yourself and what you do, you are in line with what your true you love and want to do. It is when everything goes smoothly and time almost stands still that it is right.

For example, you may be engrossed in what you do and forget to eat and take a break. This is when you feel eager for an idea and you want to get started and work on it right away. It may be when you do a certain thing in your profession that time stops and you do it with ease. If you end up where time stands still, you do something you like and feel good about, it is one of your passions.

So note in which moments and moments that you feel really good and that you want more of. What are you doing right then, who are you with, what are you talking about, etc. Write down everything that feels good and fill in the list over time and you will surely see a pattern.

The opposite, what is not right for you is when you lose energy and desire for what you do. Then it is not in line with what your inner longing wants and feels good about.

What do you love to do and why?
Write the sentences below clearly. Feel why it feels so good to do just “that”. Write the first thing that comes to you without censoring yourself with thought saboteurs who send thoughts that you can not do or write.

I love to paint because it makes me be in the now and to let go of all other thoughts. I feel filled with joy and peace.

I love that…
I feel good when I…
I get energy from…
Time stands still when…
I look forward to…
I have always loved…
I dream of…
I feel elated when…
If I get an unplanned free time over so want I…
In my own time I want…
At work is the best I know…
My dream job would be…
When I was little I loved…
I liked the following subjects in school as a child…
If I am tired I get energy from…
Something I never want to be without doing…
I get happy…
I would like…
If I had to choose one thing to do, it would be…
I would like to spend my time with…
On my holiday, I mainly want…

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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