How do I know where is the closest Supermarket to my location?

The pandemic has changed the lifestyle of many, many people. Among these types of people, there are those who have to leave the place where they are and move to a completely new place. This is very common, as many people have returned to their parents’ home or have changed their address to a cheaper place, with which they can end the pandemic economy.

However, many times changing location involves making changes in very intense routines, because now you have to find out where things are in this new place where you are . A very important thing that you should know where the supermarkets that are nearby are.

Why are supermarkets so important?

They are a store of great importance. If you are an inexperienced home buyer, or it is the first time you are renting an apartment on your own, or you have just become independent from your parents, you will know that many times you need things around the house that may not be available in the small store. closest. Many times we need to be supplied with a higher quantity of products.

When you live on your own you will always need quick solutions, because you are alone. It is always important to have a place where you can have a pharmacy, a bank, a restaurant, or a supermarket. A very famous supermarket chain is Walmart, of American origin .

Supermarkets with Mega Stores where you can go to buy from fresh vegetables to the newest video games. In Spain we have several, such as Mercadona, in Colombia they have Exito supermarkets. In the United States and several other countries, Walmart rules .

How do I know where is the closest Supermarket to my location?

This is very easy. If you want to know where the Walmart closest to you is, you just have to download the Walmart App through its tab in the Google Playstore. Once downloaded, activate your location and the App will locate the closest Walmart or affiliate center to your location.

However, the fastest and most effective way to find out which supermarket is closest to you is through Google . You see, this service always takes into account where you are making your request from. That is, as you are using the Internet, everything you do can find you, because your actions can always be traced to the device from which you did them, unless you take your privacy very much into account and use a VPN to hide your real location .

However, if you want to keep showing your location on the internet, no problem. If you want to know which is the closest supermarket, you just have to type in the Google search «Supermarkets Nearby» or the phrase «Supermarkets near me» / »near me». This always gives the result of a Google Maps map in which the supermarkets that you need are highlighted.

Are there stores bigger than supermarkets? 

This strongly depends on the city you are in. If you are in a small city, the safest thing is that the largest center you can get is the supermarkets. However, if you live in a capital city like Madrid, for example, you will get a lot more stores that are several times bigger than supermarkets. These stores are classified as Megacentros and are also known as Hypermarkets . Walmart was the first company to use these types of stores.

The importance of the hypermarket lies in the fact that it seeks to offer a space that is not a shopping center, since the main objective is only the distribution of food. That said, many hypermarkets are always going to have food fairs, in which there are several places from which you can eat very delicious meals. These food places are usually regional brands, so it is always important that you go and support the ventures of your city.

Hypermarkets are such large places that you will surely spend hours and hours looking at objects that you are going to want to buy. However, if you want to stay focused, you can check out a guide that shows you which are the best Market List Making Apps for cell phones.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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