How do I know if I have traffic tickets on my Rut?

All Chilean citizens must carry the Unique Tax Certificate , known by its initials as RUT, which offers information on anyone . Which is very useful to carry out legal procedures in any area in that country; This service is offered directly by the civil registry.

However, when we do not comply with the rules or violate the application of them in our lives as citizens, we are usually punished or sanctioned by competent entities in the respective matter, therefore a formal and due contribution must be made that is explicitly in the content of the legislation.

Therefore, when we are driving our car sometimes we forget these elementary rules that are directed for the good of the citizens, in order to avoid accidents or any other major disaster when driving in front of the wheel. Although if we do not comply with the respective regulations, we know that we will receive a ballot that tells us how much we must pay as a punishment for ignoring compliance with the law.

So when a traffic officer makes us stop the car for any possible reason, most likely you can be fined with an infraction that can range from defects in the vehicle such as failure of lights, flat tires, etc; also for aspects such as speed, passing a red light, omitting traffic signals, etc …

Here then the officer makes a fine where he specifies the reason for it and records the license plate number of our vehicle . But it does not enter the amount to be paid, therefore we will explain how to consult the value of these infractions easily from the web.

How do I know if I have traffic tickets on my Rut?

If you were sanctioned by traffic officials when you were behind the wheel of your car but you don’t know how to check how much you should pay , then you need to comply with the following instructions

  1. You must enter the official website of the civil registry
  2. View the part that says record of fines
  3. Click there and a new tab will appear
  4. In the window that you opened, put the number of your RUT and registration
  5. Finish filling out this form and send it to upload your information
  6. Already in this tab you can see all the fines that have been designated in your name (both those you pay and those that you must pay)

Here you can see in detail the information of all your fines , the date they were made, the amount you must pay, the reason for the violation, among other information …

Where can I make my payments?

On the other hand, once you know all the specific information about your fines, it is necessary and mandatory to pay them, since failure to do so may have consequences that affect other matters, for example if you are going to apply for a bank loan, or if you want to buy on credit, when reviewing the data in your RUT it will be very likely that they will reject your request; therefore you must cancel these debts, it is very important.

Although to agree to pay you must logically think that it is possible in the physical transit offices , what you should know is which one to go to, because where you were fined is where the payment is. That is, the office closest to the place of the offense.

However, it is also possible to pay the debt through the internet , through PagoRUT or BancoEstado , but this depends directly on the severity of the fine and the place where it was committed; This is due to the fact that in some parts of the country it is not allowed to cancel virtually, and also, if the fault is considered serious, it is not feasible to do so by applying this method either.

What are considered serious fines?

Fines in Chile are classified into several categories and depending on these are the consequences in addition to the price of their respective payment.

Minor fines:

  • Do not give way to emergency vehicles
  • Driving in reverse for a long time on a street
  • Not making proper use of lights

Serious fines:

  • Driving with a mental disability
  • Exceed speed limits
  • Not having your own license

Fines that are too serious:

  • Driving while intoxicated, under drugs or narcotics
  • Not stopping at stop sign
  • Pass a red light