How can I have this App to customize the LED color of the notifications?

Many Android phones have the ability to include an LED light for notifications, and a very good way to optimize its use is by changing the LED color of the notifications.

How to Customize and Change the Color of the Notifications LED on Android | Light flow

In this sense, some teams come by default to be able to configure them, but this is very limiting and not all users get what they want that way.

From  creating, editing or customizing an Android widget  to simply the best launchers to customize an Android cell phone , everything is possible in terms of modifying your device.

For this reason, there is an application called Light Flow , which allows more precise customization, and works for devices that do not have their own settings in the area.

What exactly is the Light Flow?

This is an application, as already mentioned, whose purpose is directed towards a more extensive configuration of the LED in the notifications .

Thus admitting, controlling or changing the color of the warnings for a large number of applications and approximately 550 system-specific events.

Among these, email services, missed calls, notifications from social networks such as Twitter and Facebook, calendar reminders and many more stand out.

How can I have this App to customize the LED color of the notifications?

First, you must have the application in question, which comes in two versions, the Lite (free) and the Premium (to be purchased).

Now, the same developers recommend that at first you work with the Light Flow Lite , to determine if the equipment is compatible with it.

In this way, many problems and possible complaints are saved in case the device does not allow the App to work correctly.

Keeping the idea, the Light Flow can be obtained directly from the Google Play Store, and placing the name in the search engine, paying attention to the developer ” Reactle “.

Next, you will click on ” Install ” or ” Buy “, according to the case. You will have to wait for the process to complete to start using it.

The permits

Before you can tweak anything, you will need to grant certain necessary permissions to the app, for example bypassing battery optimization.

Since this affects its correct operation, although some users do not like this requirement that increases the background consumption of the battery.

Thus, and after giving all the necessary permissions, the Light Flow can be executed, so we can now configure it according to our tastes and needs.

Another essential requirement is to provide access to the notifications generated by the applications, for which it is going to ” Configure ” and then activate the ” Light Flow ” for the access page.

Now, if for any reason this step is skipped, it can always be done from the ” Settings ” section , followed by ” Sound and notifications ” and ” Access to notifications “.

Customize the LED color of notifications

Once the App is equipped with what is necessary, it will appear on your welcome screen with suggestions. To move forward, you will press “ Got it ” or “ Got it ”.

Consequently, all the applications that allow the application to customize the LED color of the notifications will be revealed in a list.

In addition to this, there will also be the possibility of changing the vibration pattern and even the sound of the warnings . In the case at hand, the action should be directed to the tab of the led light, where the color, the frequency of the flash and the duration are adjusted.

It will only be enough to determine the options we want, go on to select them and thus, it will have been possible to make the most of the mobile led.

Other modalities

If you click on the lower right button, which has a “ + ” symbol , you can add a personalized notification light for various applications, contacts and more.

Whereas, if you opt for the button that has three points and that is located next to each App , it will be possible to disable the notice or adjust it specifically for it.

Finally, the user will also be able to explore the other options, by reviewing the different tabs for the various points.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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