Home remedies for back pain

Back pain is a common problem. Back pain is not just the middle-aged and elderly people, but also the youth. Back pain can be caused by a number of reasons such as muscle tension, physical activity, arthritis, pregnancy, excessive physical exertion, wrong-way-of-sitting and sleeping, wearing high-heeled shoes, heavy lifting, obesity and smoking. You can use home remedies to get rid of back pain.

Home remedy for back pain –

  • Put 7-10 garlic buds in four tablespoons mustard oil, sesame oil or coconut oil and heat them on low heat till the garlic turns brown. Then when the oil cools, massage the waist with this oil.
  • Heat the castor oil. Then massage the waist with this oil. It provides relief from back pain.
  • Crush a few ice cubes in a plastic bag and wrap it in a towel and keep it on your waist for 10 to 15 minutes. Compressing it provides relief from back pain.
  • Add rock salt in hot water and make a paste. Put a towel in it and squeeze it and keep this towel on your affected area. Taking rock salt in hot water also provides relief from backache.
  • Put 8 to 10 basil leaves in a cup of water and boil it till the water reduces in half. Then after cooling, add a little salt and drink it 2-3 times a day.
  • Grind equal quantity of poppy seeds and sugar candy. After that eat two spoons of this mixture twice a day and then drink a glass of milk.
  • Extract the juice of one lemon. Then add a little salt to it and mix it well and drink it. It provides relief from back pain.
  • Massaging the waist with herbal oil relaxes the muscles and helps to relieve pain. Eucalyptus oil, almond oil, olive oil or coconut oil can use any herbal oil. Heat the oil and massage the affected area.
  • Put 4 to 6 thin slices of fresh ginger in one to one and a half cups of water and boil on low heat for 10 to 15 minutes. After cooling, mix honey and drink it two or three times a day. It provides relief from back pain.
  • Milk is a good source of calcium. It strengthens bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis and back pain. Drink milk regularly. Drink a spoonful of honey in a glass of warm milk.
by Abdullah Sam
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