Here’s how optimism improves your life

5 reasons why optimism improves life

Optimism improves life: it might seem a predictable or trivial statement, in reality it is a scientifically based assumption. And also why we should practice optimism in daily life.

«It is tempting to hypothesize that optimism has been selected in evolution precisely because positive expectations increase the chances of survival. Optimists live longer and enjoy better health, ”explains the scholar Tali Sharot .

The data found on the well-being psychological and physical optimists shows that this mental attitude far from blind faith is the ability to never give up , to find new solutions, be prepared to change .

If according to research, happiness increases with the years , we can truly say that creative madness – capable of coloring the days with enthusiasm, curiosity and knowing how to live life as a possibility – is an adventure in which to practice every day.

According to Israeli neuroscientist Tali Sharot, a researcher at University College London, being optimistic has positive consequences for building the future. Among the pages of his book Optimists of nature we read: «Optimists are people who have positive expectations for the future (…). Because they expect to do better and be healthier , they have fewer subjective reasons to worry and despair and are consequently less anxious and are better adapted to stressors (…). Consequently, they earn even more ».

Let’s see below why being optimistic makes us feel good , what are the ways in which optimism influences our life.


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Change the language

Do you tend to be optimistic or pessimistic? The vision we have of life influences the mood of the day . Not only that: according to science it affects health, aging, work. Here we are not talking about blind optimism, but about awareness , because the truth is that there is no existence without problems: the real skill is knowing how to manage our stress (and that of others), learn to relax, stop conceiving. the day as a race to the goals. Start by reflecting on how you express yourself : for three days try to abolish words like frustration, unhappiness, tiredness, but instead : replace withand, together, energy, tomorrow, now .

Exercise your body and mind

Optimism affects health. Numerous scientific researches have shown that those who are optimistic have lower levels of stress, register fewer cases of depression and mood disorders, show a greater capacity for healing . It also sees a reduced risk of death from heart problems. This style of thinking generally corresponds to habits that, in everyday life, conceive life as a journey in which to face the novelty of discovery every day, with curiosity and wonder . Do you know how to keep your mind young?

Train resilience

Winners: not because things always go well, but thanks to the ability to see obstacles as a challenge, resist difficulties, act taking into account one’s needs for a job that comes close to our needs. Optimists are like that and according to some US research they show that they are less victims of cases of absenteeism at work; they are more enthusiastic, present and aware . In addition, those who tend to solve the day with a smile demonstrate more concentration at work and better time management .

It offers new solutions

How sure are you of yourself? Working on your skills is a lifelong process. An inevitable journey to face, because realizing our potential is the first step to happiness .

In the course of his studies, Tali Sharot tried to demonstrate how neurological optimism leads to a series of modifications in the perception of reality . L ‘ optimism is a weapon that we discovered during the evolutionary process by which we can overcome the crisis by improving our response to adversity. Finding physical and inner resources to face failures , discover new solutions, not give up is the human project with which we take a step towards the future every day .

Cultivate awareness

optimism is not simply the ability to smile in front of any circumstance. In this sense, the American positive thinking extolling think pink has shown a dramatic failure. Sometimes we are angry, unhappy, depressed, full of guilt: letting these feelings rise to the surface is the most liberating action we can do towards ourselves.

The important thing is not to fall prey to our moods : after seeing what goes through your soul, let yourself be free to leave again. Through a healthy awareness we can overcome anything and be ready to sail towards unknown horizons, to be navigated with the wonderful spirit of an inner child to be found and taken by the hand.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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