Do you know if your company offers health insurance or sickness insurance?

Medical assistance is an item deeply valued by the employer and also by the employee. The question is worth asking, however: why only work on remediation, not prevention? Does your company promote employee health or help harm it? Hence, the importance of valuing collective well-being, offering health or sickness plans to employees.

A recent Aon survey showed that 99.5% of companies offered health care to employees , among the items in the corporate benefits package. Therefore, it is an item deeply valued by the employer and also by the employee.

But is this exclusively the right thing to do? Why is remediation, not prevention, at the top of the list of companies?  Do we generally offer health insurance or sickness insurance ? The question also arises: do we promote employee health or help to harm it within companies?

This all has to be taken into account and, to help, this post will discuss this delicate issue, point by point. Check out!

Is it a health plan or sickness plan?

Taking the concept as a basis, it is important to keep in mind the following: a health plan is not always an interesting alternative. And we say that to both the employee and the company.

After all, a sick population generates more costs and, consequently, generates less positive results . Health operators know this very well, and it is not for nothing that they promote so many prevention and health promotion campaigns.

When we are so caught up in a model in which healthy habits are not propagated, and only the measures to remedy an ongoing problem, it is common for us to ask ourselves, then, if companies offer health insurance or sickness insurance?

How to change this paradigm?

How about having a health plan, yes, among its corporate benefits, but focus on health promotion , in your day to day?

Having this kind of strategy can have a number of positive aspects , you know? Between them:

  • improvement in the general disposition of employees;
  • improved productivity;
  • less absenteeism rate;
  • promoting quality of life and well-being;
  • increase in the company’s reputation in the market.

The logic is simple: with less illness occurring, and the promotion of healthy habits, the body and the mind are more pique to face the challenges . And, internally, these benefits translate into efficiency and also in the valorization of its human resources.

To do so, instead of creating dilemmas about health insurance or sickness insurance, focus on considering promoting everyone’s well-being with some of the tips we have for you, below!

Spread the value of collective well-being

Companies that are concerned with health, quality of life and well-being have more gratitude from their professionals – in addition to the positive aspects mentioned above.

This is a very important factor for retaining talent , as well as attracting new professionals. Unlike, for example, organizations that exhaust their employees physically and psychologically.

To do this, just know the profile of the people who work with you. Explore activities that can be enjoyed in groups – walking or cycling groups, for example, are not uncommon – and spread the benefits of adopting healthy habits throughout the company.

Thus, even if there is a health plan (or sickness plan) as a benefit, people will avoid using it, since they learn to remedy and prevent themselves against health problems.

Explore accessible options and strategies

Whoever thinks that the quality of corporate life is expensive, does not properly explore all possibilities.

Just consider, instead, healthy and practical alternatives. How about disclosing, via newsletter, balanced menu options for people to take their lunch boxes? Or, still, exercise tips that can be performed at work and also at home?

The walk or group of pedaling are practices that only demand the collective interest and people willing to put the measure in execution.

In addition, we recommend that your HR develop a corporate health management department, which can lead all of these actions. To find out more, take the time to check out the article we wrote on the subject !

Reward positive engagement

Why not create a bonus – or even need to consider something monetary – for the most engaged employees? The reduction of sick leave, for example, is something to be celebrated. As well as improving productivity because people are more willing.

Try to return the hug to the cause, given by your employees, and enjoy a much more balanced routine, and increasingly free of unforeseen circumstances and harmful situations for everyone.

And you know what? By creating this type of continuous campaign, within your company, it is even possible to review the partnership that you have with healthcare operators.

With less costs, the job of promoting quality of life is even better, since everyone will be doing their part to avoid the recurring use of the health plan or sickness plan.

Where to start?

As you may have noticed, promoting health – based on well-being and quality of life – can be much more profitable than investing, uncontrollably, in this corporate option of health or sickness plans.

To begin, then, make an assessment of the average number of people who become ill within the company, over the course of a month. Identify the main problems and evaluate what are the action plans that can be adopted based on the work of your corporate health management.

The benefits come over time, but they are long-lasting and extend to routine within the company. Something that should be valued and disseminated more and more.


Now, we want to hear a little more about you too. What are your experiences with this proportion of health insurance or sickness, and in promoting healthy habits in the company? Share with us, in the comments field of this post, just below!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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