Hair loss – causes and treatment

Excessive hair loss is more often a problem for men, but it also affects women. As a rule, this is only a cosmetic problem, but hair loss can also be accompanied by other, sometimes serious, diseases. Correct diagnosis and detection of all factors that can worsen the condition are important for effective treatment. In the article you will find a brief description of this problem, including possible causes and methods of treatment.

Contents: Hair loss – causes and treatment

When is hair loss excessive?


Causes of hair loss


What is alopecia?


Hair loss in women


Hair loss after childbirth


Hair loss in men


Hair loss in children


How to prevent hair loss?


Foods and vitamins against hair loss


Shampoos and other preparations against hair loss


Finding the real cause is key


The lifespan and quality of hair is also negatively affected by  excessive care  – too frequent washing, blow-drying, use of inappropriate products, chemical treatment (dyeing, bleaching, perming) and frequent combing are not good for them.

When is hair loss excessive?    

Each hair grows for approximately 3 to 7 years and its growth has 3 phases – anagen (active), catagen (transitional) and telogen (resting), after which the hair naturally falls out of the hair follicle. The duration of the individual phases and the number of hairs in each of them is genetically determined. This means that there are individual differences between individuals.

Naturally, a person loses approximately 100 hairs per day . If there is rapid loss of a larger amount of hair, this is called effluvium. The term alopecia already means the condition of a reduced amount of hair (or hair) in places where they normally occur. In the case of extreme hair loss, it is always advisable to consult a doctor, because a more serious illness may also be to blame (see below).

Causes of hair loss

There are a number of possible causes. Increased hair loss can be genetically determined or the result of a disturbance in various parts of the hair cycle . It can therefore be a matter of completely different causes – from heredity, poor lifestyle to hormonal fluctuations or some serious diseases. So, in summary, it can be the following:

  • stress, mental or physical stress (conditions after childbirth, operations, etc.),
  • traumatic causes (improper hair treatment, pulling, etc.),
  • poor lifestyle and diet,
  • lack of nutrients and vitamins (e.g. vitamin C, D, B12, A, iron , selenium, zinc…),
  • hormonal changes (childbirth, menopause, replacement therapy…),
  • thyroid disease,
  • some infectious diseases,
  • cancer illnesses,
  • used certain medicines,
  • other (often autoimmune) diseases – systemic lupus erythematosus, kidney failure, non-specific intestinal inflammation, liver disease, diabetes, skin diseases (for example, psoriasis, tinea capitis or fungus, folliculitis, etc.).

The lifespan and quality of hair is also negatively affected by excessive care – too frequent washing, blow-drying, use of inappropriate products, chemical treatment (dyeing, bleaching, perming) and frequent combing are not good for them.

What is alopecia?    

Alopecia refers to the loss of hair and pubic hair of a scarring and non-scarring nature . Non-scarring alopecia is further divided into focal and diffuse.

As already mentioned in the introduction, increased hair loss is called effluvium, which is a kind of precursor to alopecia. Alopecia is when the density of hair and pubic hair is already significantly reduced . Individual types of alopecia have different causes, from heredity to poor nutrition to excessive stress.

For the correct treatment of alopecia, the most important thing is the correct diagnosis and the identification of all factors that can worsen the condition. The simplest and most basic examination is a careful anamnesis and an objective examination of the patient.

Hair loss in women

“Apart from genetic disposition, the most common cause of hormonal changes in women is age, and stress also plays a role . Women often suffer from increased hair thinning after giving birth or during menopause . Various reduction diets, food intake disorders often also have an effect on the quality and loss of hair. food, or weakening of the hair as a result of frequent chemical treatments,”  explains MUDr. Helena Michalíková, dermatovenerologist from Canadian Medical, which is part of the EUC healthcare group.

Hair loss after childbirth

For most women, their hair is in unprecedented health during pregnancy. The change often comes after childbirth, when hormone levels change. However, this is not an irreversible change – after 2-3 months after giving birth, the health of the hair usually returns to its original state. Likewise, hair loss may occur during breastfeeding and possible hair loss during pregnancy.

Hair loss in men

In men, hair loss is most influenced by genetics, hormones and age . Very often it is the so-called androgenic alopecia, which is the most widespread type of alopecia. The frequency of occurrence here increases with age, while the development of androgenic alopecia is mainly conditioned by heredity.

Previously, experts believed that male hair loss was caused by excessive amounts of testosterone and its metabolite dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the blood. We now know that androgens play a decisive role, but a number of other factors are also involved.

Androgenic alopecia in men usually begins with a receding hairline on the forehead. The thinning then progresses towards the crown and often ends with the complete loss of all hair . This type of alopecia does not avoid even women, who in this case lose their hair gradually and the first symptom is a thinning hairline on the crown.

Hair loss in children

If excessive hair loss occurs in children, it is appropriate to see a doctor immediately. Hair loss here is usually a symptom of another disease. The most common causes of excessive hair loss in children include:

  • fungal infection– a highly contagious disease affecting the scalp,
  • alopecia areata (alopecia areata)– an unpredictable type of hair loss in which circumscribed patches form on the head. The deposits appear suddenly and can also occur in other parts of the body. This type of alopecia is considered an autoimmune disorder and damage by a similar process, inflammation, also elsewhere in the body (most often the thyroid gland) must be ruled out.

(Thinning of hair is also typical of children suffering from obsessive compulsive personality disorder, where they have a compulsive need to pull out their hair.)


How to prevent hair loss?    

In general, for successful treatment, it is necessary to solve the underlying cause . It is therefore always necessary to consult a doctor about suitable therapy.

To slow down hair loss and speed up new hair growth, your doctor may recommend medications with the active ingredient minoxidil . We have products such as Minorga or Belohair available. In some cases, drugs with the active substance finasteride (Penester, Adafin, Hyplafin) can help. It is a relatively expensive but quite effective treatment. Hair transplantation can also be another option.

However, only medicines and shampoo against hair loss are not enough, as mentioned above – the treatment of hair loss must always be aimed mainly at eliminating the cause .

  • Stress , anxiety states– here a change in lifestyle and reduction of stress and anxiety is needed.
  • Lack of nutrients or vitamins– here it is necessary to adjust the menu accordingly and include suitable foods or vitamin supplements .
  • Hormonal changes– here the condition can be adjusted on its own (for example, after six months of pregnancy). However, if the difficulties persist, further examinations (especially thyroid function) are necessary, or the hormone level should be adjusted with the help of appropriate drugs.
  • Side effects of drugs– here you need to ask the doctor to prescribe other drugs. However, never stop taking medications without first consulting your doctor.
  • Autoimmune diseases or tumor process– here it is necessary to follow the treatment according to the prescribed procedures. If the cause of hair loss is chemotherapy , it is necessary to wait – after its termination, the hair usually grows back.

Foods and vitamins against hair loss

For the eventual improvement of the condition, the menu should generally include mainly fish, rice, legumes, vegetables, fruit and various seeds.

Among the frequent causes of hair loss is a lack of zinc and iron , so it is advisable to supplement them. Furthermore, the problem may be related to a lack of fats, vitamins D , B12 , C , A , as well as copper , selenium and biotin (vitamin H). It is always better to consult a doctor about what helps with hair loss and what anti-hair loss vitamins you specifically need. Regular exercise, proper drinking regime and quality sleep are also important.    


Shampoos and other preparations against hair loss

As already mentioned, excess care is also harmful to the hair, specifically the use of a large amount of hair cosmetics, frequent washing and blow-drying. There are many products available on the market that help in the fight against hair loss – for example, Revalid products, Vichy strengthening shampoo , Alpecin products and many others. A doctor or pharmacist will advise you on the appropriate choice of which product is best for you.

Finding the real cause is key

Hair loss is normal in moderation. However, if you are suffering from extreme hair loss or hair loss in clumps, it is essential to see a doctor immediately. In addition to uncontrollable genetics or common causes of hair loss such as poor lifestyle, stress, inappropriate hair care, etc. hair loss can also be an accompanying symptom of another serious disease, especially in children. Therefore, it is always a key factor to find out the real cause and possibly start a comprehensive treatment.