Discover the best cheat codes for Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition on PC to enhance your gaming experience.These are all the cheats that work in GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition for PC. Be careful! Not all the cheats from the original versions work, only the ones you’ll see here will work.
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition brings back GTA III , GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas . Just like in the originals, we can use a lot of cheats to activate special effects . In this case we are going to show you all the cheats for the PC version . Keep in mind that some cheats have been disabled.
Cheats can be deactivated by re-entering the same combination. In some cases there is more than one code you can use to activate the same cheat.
These are all the GTA San Andreas cheats for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition:
Weapons and ammo tips
These are all the tricks with which you can get all the weapons in the game with infinite ammunition and thus unleash chaos in the state of San Andreas.
- Weapon Pack 1(AK-47, Baseball Bat, Spray Can, Gauntlet, 9mm, Shotgun, Micro SMG, Rifle, Flare Gun, and Molotov Cocktail): LXGIWYL
- Weapon Pack 2(Desert Eagle, Knife, Sawed-Off Shotgun, Tec 9, M4 Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Grenades, Fire Extinguisher and Flamethrower): KJKSZPJ / PROFESSIONALSKIT
- Weapon Pack 3(MP5, Chainsaw, Stinger, Silenced Pistol, Advanced Shotgun, and C4 Explosive Pack): UZUMYMW
- Infinite Ammo: WANRLTW / FULLCLIP
Money and health tricks
These are all the tricks that exist to earn a lot of money and get rich in GTA San Andreas, have infinite life and never die, be invincible or if you prefer, end your existence.
- Get +250,000$, maximum health and 100% armor:HESOYAM
- Invincibility:BAGUVIX
- Committing suicide instantly:SZCMAWO
Vehicle Tricks
These cheats allow you to get vehicles and increase your driving level:
- Tank (Rinho):AIWPRTON
- Fighter jet (Hydra):JUMPJET
- Attack Helicopter (Hunter):OHDUDE
- Sports 1 (Hotring Racer v1):VROCKPOKEY
- Hotring Racer v2:VPJTQWV
- Parachute:AIYPWZQP
- Race Car 1 (Bloodring Banger v1):OLDSPEEDDEMON
- Race Car 2 (Bloodring Banger v2): Cheat:CQZIJMB
- Golf Cart (Caddy):RZHSUEW
- Excavator (Dozer):EEGCYXT / ITSALLBULL
- Ranchera:JQNTDMH
- Stunt Plane:URKQSR
- Gasoline Truck (Tanker Truck):AMOMHRER
- Garbage truck:UBHYZHQ / TRUEGRIME
- Vortex Hovercraft:KGGGDKP
- Flying cars:RIPAZHA
- All cars have nitro:COXEFGU / SPEEDFREAK
- All taxis have nitro:VKYPQCF
- Flying Boats:AFSNMSMW
- Extreme driving (cars spin at full speed):PGGOMOY / STICKLIKEGLUE
- Tank Mode Cars:JCNRUAD
- Create an explosion on all cars:CPKTNWT
- Cars float and fly (when you crash):BUBBLECARS
Skill, Stats and Special Effects Cheats
With these cheats, you can manipulate CJ’s different statistics as you wish and gain special abilities and powers to dominate the streets.
- Killer level with all weapons:PROFESSIONALKILLER / NCSGDAG
- Recruiting pedestrians (with a 9mm):SJMAHPE
- Recruit Pedestrians (with rocket launchers):ZSOXFSQ / ROCKETMAYHEM
- Maximum driving skills in all vehicles (cars, motorcycles, airplanes…):NATURALTALENT
- Respect to the utmost:WORSHIPME
- Sex Appeal to the max:HELLOLADIES
- Super jumps:KANGAROO
- Adrenaline mode (slow motion):MUNASEF
- Maximum resistance:VKYPQCF
- Never be hungry:AEDUWNV
- Fatness at its maximum:BTCDBCB
- Super jumps on bike and BMX:JHJOECW / CJPHONEHOME
- Thinness at its finest:KVGYZQK
- Muscles at their maximum:JYSDSOD / BUFFMEUP
Police Wanted Level Cheats
These are the tricks you need if you want to remove stars to stop being chased or if on the contrary you want to increase them so that the police chase you.
- Removes wanted level:ASNAEB / TURNDOWNTHEHEAT
- Increase Wanted Level (2 stars):OSRBLHH / TURNUPTHEHEAT
- The police never chase you:AEZAKMI
- Increase wanted level to maximum (6 stars):BRINGITON
Pedestrian and traffic tricks
With these tricks you can influence the behavior of pedestrians and their appearance as well as that of street traffic. Keep in mind that tricks that change appearance also change that of pedestrians , in most cases:
- Aggressive driving:YLTEICZ
- Pedestrians with guns:FOOOXFT
- Aggressive pedestrians (attacking you):BAGOWPG
- Pedestrians go crazy:AJLOJYQY
- Aggressive pedestrians with weapons:BGLUAWML
- Traffic lights always on green:ZEIIVG
- Country Theme:FVTMNBZ
- Beach Party Theme:CIKGCGX
- You get a katana and Asian NPCs with katanas appear:NINJATOWN
- All cars are black:IOWDLAC
- All cars are pink:LLQPFBN
- Industrial Theme (Born 2 Truck Suits and Vehicles):BMTPWHR
- Funhouse theme (Pedestrians and Cj dressed as clowns):PRIEBJ / CRAZYTOWN
- No traffic or people:GHOSTTOWN
- War in the streets (chaos mode):IOJUFZN / STATEOFEMERGENCY
- All cars on the road are cheap:EVERYONEISPOOR / BGKGTJH
- All cars on the road are very expensive:EVERYONEISRICH / GUSNHDE
- Bands Everywhere:BIFBUZZ
- Your band members everywhere:ONLYHOMIESALLOWED / MROEMZH
Tricks to modify the climate and the passage of time
These cheats are used to modify and manipulate how time passes in the game and to alter the weather.
- Fastest Game Clock:YSOHNUL
- Faster gameplay (fast motion, the game will go faster every time you enter it):SPEEDITUP / PPGWJHT
- Slow motion (slower clock and game, it goes slower every time you enter it):SLOWITDOWN
- Set the clock to midnight (00:00h):XJVSNAJ / NIGHTPROWLER
- Cloudy weather:CFVFGMJ
- Orange sky at 9:00 p.m.:OFVIAC
- Cloudy sky:ALNSFMZO
- Rainy weather:AUIFRVQS
- Sandstorm:CWJXUOC
- Sunny Day:AFZLLQLL
- Lightning Storm:MGHXYRM
- Very sunny weather:ICIKPYH
GTA III Cheats
These are all the GTA III cheats for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition:
Weapon Tricks
- You get weapons (the more times you put GUNS, the more weapons):GUNSGUNSGUNS
Health, armor and money tricks
With these tricks you can get life, armor and money:
- Regaining health:GESUNDHEIT
- Recover armor:TORTOISE
- You get $25,0000:IFIWEREARICHMAN
Vehicle Tricks
With these cheats you can get some vehicles and change how they behave.
- A tank that you can drive appears:GIVEUSATANK
- All nearby cars explode:BANGBANGBANG
- Easier driving:CORNERSLIKEMAD
Wanted Level Cheats
- Raise wanted level:MOREPOLICEPLEASE
- Lower wanted level:NOPOLICEPLEASE
Appearance Tricks
With this trick you can change the appearance of your protagonist:
- Change character:ILIKEDRESSINGUP
Pedestrian Tricks
With these tricks you can alter the behavior of pedestrians:
- Pedestrians carry weapons:WEAPONSFORALL
- Crazy pedestrians:ITSALLGOINGMAAAD
- Aggressive pedestrians attack you on sight:NOBODYLIKESME
Weather and time passing tricks
With these cheats you can alter the speed at which time passes and the weather in your game:
- Bad weather:MADWEATHER
- Fog and rain:ILOVESCOTLAND
- Fog type 3:PEASOUP
- Slow motion:BOOOOORING
GTA Vice City Cheats
These are all the GTA Vice City cheats for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition:
Weapons and ammo tips
These are all the tricks with which you can get all the weapons in the game with infinite ammunition and thus unleash chaos in the state of Vice City.
- Heavy Weapons Pack:NUTTERTOOLS
- Light Weapons Weapon Pack:THUGSTOOLS
Money and health tricks
These are all the tricks that exist to earn a lot of money and get rich in GTA Vice City, have infinite life and never die, be invincible or if you prefer, end your existence.
- Health at its best:ASPIRINE
Vehicle Tricks
These cheats allow you to get vehicles and increase your driving level:
- Perfect driving. Turns to the max and cars can jump:GRIPISEVERYTHING
- Main Battle Tank (Rhino):PANZER
- Bloodring Banger:TRAVELINSTYLE
- Bloodring Banger (V2):GETTHEREQUICKLY
- Hotring Racer (racing car):GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED
- Hearse (Romeo):THELASTRIDE
- Sabre Turbo (sports car):GETTHEREFAST
- Garbage truck:RUBBISHCAR
- Blow up all cars:BIGBANG
- Ships can fly:AIRSHIP
- Cars float and ride on water:SEAWAYS
- All cars are black:IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK
- All cars are pink:AHAIRDRESSERSCAR
Police Wanted Level Cheats
These are the tricks you need if you want to remove stars to stop being chased or if on the contrary you want to increase them so that the police chase you.
- Remove wanted level:LEAVEMEALONE
- Raise wanted level by 2 stars:YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE
- Featured in the news (Requires more than 4 stars):CHASESTAT
Pedestrian and traffic tricks
With these tricks you can influence the behavior of pedestrians and their appearance as well as that of street traffic. Keep in mind that tricks that change appearance also change that of pedestrians , in most cases:
- Women chase you and attack your enemies:FANNYMAGNET
- Aggressive Drivers:MIAMITRAFFIC
- All traffic lights are green:GREENLIGHT
- Gangsters of the band as girls:CHICKSWITHGUNS
- Aggressive pedestrians:NOBODYLIKESME
- Pedestrian revolt, chaos mode:FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT
Tricks to modify the climate and the passage of time
These cheats are used to modify and manipulate how time passes in the game and to alter the weather.
- Timelapse:ONSPEED
- Slow motion:BOOOOOORING
- Rainy and stormy:
- Clock time passes faster:LIFEISPASSINGMEB
- With a few clouds:APLEASANTDAY
- With many clouds:ABITDRIEG
- Resize Moon:Shoot the moon with the sniper rifle.
Tricks to change Tommy’s appearance
These cheats allow you to change the look of your protagonist:
- Random character change:STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP
- Play as Hilary King:LOOKLIKEHILARY
- Play as Lance Vance:LOOKLIKELANCE
- Play as Dick, the bassist of Love Fist:WELOVEOURDICK
- Play as Ken Rosenberg:MYSONISALAWYER
- Play as Jezz Torrent, the lead singer of Love Fist:ROCKANDROLLMAN
- Play as Candy Suxxx:IWANTBIGTITS
- Play as Mercedes:FOXYLITTLETHING
- Play as Phil Cassidy:ONEARMEDBANDIT