Girls have never talked about 3 kinds of love behaviors, it is easy to distinguish

What kind of girl has never been in love?

Pure? Not necessarily.

Laughing loudly and casually? Not necessarily.

Who often tells pornographic jokes? Not necessarily.

Looks shy? Not necessarily.

Simple dress? Not necessarily.

Even young?! Not necessarily. So the question is, how to judge whether a girl has ever been in a relationship?

In fact, girls who have never been in a relationship generally have the following three manifestations:

The first type: will not pick up

Many of the men and women who have no love experience are theoretical, most of them are very reasonable, and sometimes they are also very old drivers (girls also have desires, and they discuss some of the issues with their girlfriends privately, and now the Internet is like this. Developed, you can also watch small movies. Therefore, unlike when the Internet was underdeveloped, people generally lacked the concept of sex.), they can also tell pornographic jokes, seem to understand everything, and have been practiced countless times in their minds. But lack of practical love skills, and actual love.

Most of our small movies are the dry goods on the bed, while the lovemaking in the film and television dramas is not grounded, too dreamy, and people who have not been in love will not understand the way of getting along in reality. There is no tutorial method to be used as a template. Routines, and even discussions with girlfriends, rarely discuss the parts of daily getting along, including daily conversations and daily actions. Girls who have never been in love really don’t understand.

The most effective way to see this way of judging is that when she is facing someone she likes, she is prone to say the wrong thing, can’t answer the word, her body is stiff, and she is particularly prone to scenes of “words at a loss”. .

The second type: not acting like a baby

Excluding the kind of talents, for most girls, after dating, you will find that a girl who has never been in love, even if she cares about people, has never relied on a man, and she is not very good at acting like a baby.

Some people say, “You can pretend if you don’t know how to act like a baby”

But the kind of dull look that is trying to force yourself to talk to the person you like, clumsy and unnatural, it’s really hard to pretend.

And once the pretense here and the sense of youthfulness, once the pretense is too much or the pretend is not like, the boys will feel it.

This is a detail, and unless a girl with a high rank, few people pay special attention to it.

In some cases, many boys feel this way, especially when he is an experienced boy and a girl is a girl who has never been in love. For the first time, when a boy hugs a girl’s shoulder or even holds a girl, the girl Their bodies are “stiff”.

That feeling is the unnatural state of wanting to cooperate, but not knowing how to cooperate.

Because they are all theoretical, imagine countless, never practiced once, really touched a man, even if only patted the shoulder.

Especially when facing the person you like, if you don’t like it, you won’t feel it, and you will probably avoid it.

But there is a magical place here. When a girl meets someone she likes, she might take the initiative to kiss her (even her first kiss), because it is the girl who mustered the courage to take the initiative.

There are even girls who start to behave with boys as soon as they are dating (really, there will be black lines this time), but she never talked about a relationship, sometimes because of the girl’s curiosity.

But when others touch her, she will still be unnatural (provided that she likes her.)

So, if you are the originator of the action, but if you think her actions are weird (maybe you can’t tell where they are), but the other party seems to be very unskilled in cooperation, then most of them are the first love girls.

The third type: always holding unrealistic fantasy

Most of the male characters in the past in their impressions are basically living in the “mouths” of people around them (through description), living in TV and computers (movies, small movies), and living in words (fiction knowledge) , It is not in reality.

“Countless fantasies” is not as good as “movement times true”. This is the truth. However, they belong to the former.

1. Such girls will have a very reasonable idea. They think that love should all be like in film and television dramas. Men are affectionate and love girls very much.

(Actually, in real life, as long as you have a good impression and a little lonely, it is easier to chase after you, easy to get, and it is easy to say like you, confessing to you, not necessarily like it too much)

2. As long as the man confessed, that kind of like is basically equal to love.

(Like in the confession period is just a good feeling, it is difficult to achieve love.)

3. Moreover, feelings can be maintained together for a long, long time.

(Not necessarily, some feelings are only a matter of weeks.)

4. Love can overcome all obstacles.

(People who have been in love will find that love is extremely fragile, details defeat love, life defeats love, and even cheating and violence may happen to themselves.)

5. It is easy to regard sweet words as true love.

(Thinking that love should be vigorous, plain love will not be a business way, even in plain love, you always feel that there is something wrong.)

6. Fancy yourself as a unique person.

(Many girls with first love tend to think that their appearance can help the prodigal son turn back. She is special and can be regarded as the most important heroine in his world. However, this is not necessarily the case, and she is not even a special case.)

7. Easy to think simple.

(This is another problem that people who have never been in love will encounter. People who have been in love know that people are imperfect, and people who have not been in love tend to regard each other as a person of high morality and quality (it must be admitted that some people are The type with low moral quality), because everyone in film and television animation is from the perspective of God, and there is no absolute bad person.)


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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