Genshin impact: where to get apples

The world of Genshin Impact is filled with collectibles that are used to create, level characters, cook, and more. Apples are one of the most common foods you can get from exploring. Here’s where to find apples at Genshin Impact and what they’re used for .

Where to get apples and what are they used for

Source: Genshin-Impact-Map

Most of the apple trees in the game are in Mondstadt, around Whispering Woods, to the right of town. Just walk into the trees in the locations above and press Square on Playstation or F on PC to get the apples. They may be out of reach, you may have to jump or climb the tree to catch them.

Using apples for cooking

The main use of apples in Genshin Impact is cooking. There are many recipes that use them for different purposes. Some foods restore health while others increase your group’s chance of CRIT.

You will need more than apples for the recipes, but they are extremely useful if you can get everything you need.

Use apples for commissions

Apples have some notable uses at Genshin Impact, and commissions are one of them. At the time of writing, the Marvelous Merchandise event is back, with its new orders. Liben and his Box o ‘Marvels are back. He will give you new rewards every day if you can bring him the items he is looking for.

One of those items turns out to be apples. Open the event menu and the game will show you exactly where to find Liben. Just talk to him to return them with any other items you need.

That’s all you need to know where to find apples and how to use them in Genshin Impact . If you’re looking for more tips on the game, be sure to check out our wiki guide.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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