Genshin Impact Guide: Possible Teams That Can Help XIao In Patch 1.3

Team building is a crucial aspect of Genshin Impact. The game takes advantage of various elemental resonance buffs, elemental reactions, artifacts, and character abilities that complement each other. This goes without saying that understanding the game would depend on your knowledge of mechanics and how to use the elements correctly.

Although, there are some units that do not really require a computer. They can work on their own and essentially serve as a single transport unit. Xiao’s latest addition is probably the best example of a solo carry. Despite that, you will need this character with a team composition that can at least offer him some benefit.

If that’s the case, then I can only think of a few characters in the game that could work with him for support. Although fair warning, 100% efficiency would not be possible, as Xiao is a very independent unit.

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Image Source: Play Cheats


  • Best team composition around Xiao on Genshin Impact
  • Babra as a dedicated healer
  • Venti is a divine support unit from Genshin Impact
  • Ganyu for permanent application of Cryo
  • Bennett as a healer and attack booster

Best team composition around Xiao on Genshin Impact

These particular rosters of characters can at least offer you healing and a basic attack buff with a true divine support unit that can help anyone, including Xiao. This list may not seem free to play in a friendly way, as this character can’t really work with most of the support units in the game.

Babra as a dedicated healer

Of all the units in the game, Babra is probably the weakest character in the game. It offers great healing abilities and can apply the Hydro state. But it cannot provide an attack buff, nor can it deal damage. Surprisingly, these things work in good sync with Xiao, as he only requires one healer.

Xiao sacrifices his health to unleash Yaksha’s true power, performing a swift number of dive attacks in quick succession. This is where Babra can help you with her incredible healing ability and amplify swirl damage with her basic ability.

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Venti is a divine support unit from Genshin Impact

The best supporting character on the entire list is Anemo Archon Venti. He is simply the greatest character in the game that he can help anyone, including Xiao. Venti’s elemental ability and elemental blast can do wonders for Xiao.

He can unite everyone on the field, and Xiao can just pounce on the gathered targets. Venti’s latest will not allow units to spread out, and will only help Xiao improve his damage output by restraining everyone. Both characters are Anemo units, so they will share a useful Anemo elemental resonance, and Venti also offers an enhanced energy recharge.

Ganyu for permanent application of Cryo

Ganyu is without a doubt one of the strongest characters in the game. She is one of the best, if not the best, DPS character and a support unit of the same caliber. It can be paired with Venti and Xiao to deal more damage to the enemy with its ultimate tool. The strategy would be simple, he would use Ganyu’s ultimate ability and gather everyone inside with Venti.

This will force all the icicles to fall into the single area where the horde of enemies is suspended in midair. Now, you have the season open to apply a ton of swirl damage with the Cryo app or stomp on enemies with dip attacks.

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Video Source: AsianGuyGenshin

Bennett as a healer and attack booster

Bennett is also a great character that you can play with Xiao as he is also a strong support unit. He can provide a ton of healing and attack damage buff with his ultimate in a large area of ​​effect. This could work on Xiao and his ultimate ability, as he likes to deal massive damage with dip attacks while sacrificing health.

Dipping attacks are combined with the normal attack skill set, and their damage multiplier scales with your attack power. Not only will Bennett maintain his health, but it will also give him the beneficial attack boost that will only enhance his attack damage per dive.

The logic is pretty simple here: Bennett offers healing and improves his attack damage, which will improve his damage output. You can add another Pyro unit to get the attack buff from the Pyro Elemental Resonance, but it will be less efficient.


by Abdullah Sam
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