10 Functions of the Press In Islamic State

Learn more about the functions of the press in Islamic states in this informative article.The press in Islamic states plays a crucial role in promoting religious teaching.

Functions of the Press In Islamic State

To inform, to educate and to entertain the people with religious spirit and devotion, is the basic function of the press in an Islamic state.Islamic concept of press provides ail possible liberties within the domain of the given principles of Islamic state.

Specifically the domain of. Islamic Democracy is the activity area of an Islamic press, there must be some limitations of one sort or another, if the society is to function at all.Islam teaches freedom, cherishes it, and guaranteed it for the Muslim as well as for the non Muslim.

Let there be no compulsion in religion Truth stands out clear from error Whosever reflects evil and believes in God has grasped the strongest bond that never breaks And God knows and hears all things (Quran 2.256).

The Islamic concept of freedom is an article of faith a solemn command from the supreme creator. Within the frame work of this Islamic concept of freedom, there is no room for religious persecution, class conflict or racial prejudice In this frame work of Islamic concept of freedom some taboos have been placed on the press. These are the same or almost the same as placed in the most advanced parts of the world In other words it converts a free press into a free responsible press in which a journalist’s conscience is subject to God only to whom every press man is directly responsible

The law of the Islamic society taboos publication of matter tending to undermine the security of the Islamic state or solidarity of the nation or loyalty and allegiance of any member of the Islamic armed forces.

A Muslin journalist should not be satisfied merely by putting into print all that is fit to print in the common man’s interest; he should always attack wrong and fight for right against might. 

Another important function of the press in Islamic states is to serve as a watchdog and hold governments accountable for their actions. Journalists play a crucial role in exposing corruption, human rights abuses, and other misconduct by those in power. By reporting on these issues, the press helps ensure transparency and accountability in government, ultimately leading to a more just and equitable society.

In conclusion, the press in Islamic states serves a variety of important functions, from promoting religious teachings to holding governments accountable and fostering debate and dialogue.