Fruit ice cream for dogs

Not only does it allow you to eat foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, when you least feel like eating, but it also keeps them cool and well hydrated. Therefore, opting for ice cream is a good remedy to make the heat of the summer months more bearable.

Actually, we can prepare ice creams of almost anything, such as yogurt, vegetables, chicken …, but the ones that refresh and enjoy the most, due to their sweet and suggestive flavor, are fruit ice creams . Of course, before making any, it is necessary that we know what flavor our dog likes or what fruit is his favorite. If you hate watermelon, we already know that flavor is out.

Another issue to take into account is that there are fruits that are prohibited for dogs , such as plums or cherries, and that we cannot give them fruit ice creams that we would make for us, since their needs are different. That is, our fruit popsicles are not worth it, but we will have to prepare specific ones for them. And, obviously, do not give them commercial ice cream, which can cause gastrointestinal distress.

What do we need?

Knowing all of the above, we can choose fruits such as watermelon, apple, melon, banana, pear, peach, coconut or papaya, for example.

All the ice creams have a natural yogurt base to which the fruit we have chosen is added. The reason is very simple: if we add pieces of fruit to a natural unsweetened yogurt, in addition to making it more consistent and feeding you more, it will be tastier.

If our dog is a bit fussy with fruit and does not like chewing the pieces very much, we can beat the fruit alone and then add it to the yogurt, or else beat it directly with this dairy so that the result is more homogeneous. And if our pet is very gourmet, eats well, we can add a little cinnamon that will give it a different flavor that will be more attractive.

As they are natural and homemade ice creams, we can give them several days a week, the days that are hotter, so that they spend them cooler and more relaxed. Obviously, if we notice that they do not suit them, we will look for other alternatives so that they can spend the hottest days as well as possible.

by Abdullah Sam
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