Explore the current state of freedom of journalism in Pakistan, the challenges faced by journalists, and the role of technology in shaping the media landscape.
The freedom of Journalism means the freedom of supplying news. There should be freedom of their printing and transmission. There should be freedom for the expression of view points after presenting both the aspects of an issue. In the freedom of expression of view point all that criticism is included which has been done by a department from Government or an institution W society. The freedom of journalism Yneans responsibilities. Absolute freedom does not exist any part of the world. In the developed countries journalism is banned in emergency and censorship is thought to be right.
If a difficult time comes in foreign policy, then they are advised to keep in view the national interests. In every country there are laws; by virtue of which no body is allowed to disclose the secrets of which the Government does not allow any body to disclose its secrets; excite the people for rebellion In addition to this some moral responsibilities are related with journalism. It is expected from the journalists that they should abide by the code of ethics. In the countries of Third World the greater rights of the freedom of journalism, it is the administration that has rights with administration in place of •judiciary. They give a limited freedom to the newspapers, strict action is taken for its violation.
In Pakistan the Government curtails the freedom of journalism by two types, of pressure. One is visible and the other is invisible. The following elements are included in addition to this.
- Ban on official advertisements.
- To stop the payment of bills for a greater period.
- To give advantages by the Government and then to withdraw.
- Ban on newsprint.
From August 1947 upto the present date freedom of journalism in Pakistan can be divided into seven update periods they are—
- The period from 1947 to 1958
- The period of President Ayub
- Military period
- Democratic of People’s period.
- The period of General Zia-ul-Haq
- Juneo period
- Period after the cancellation of P.P.O.
- The Period from 1947 to 1958.
The Period from 1947 to 1958
In the first period three journalistic laws were imposed in Pakistan The First was Pakistan Security Act According to this law the newspapers that caused the security of the country in danger, they are closed for an indefinite period Censor was imposed on them- The Second Law was the maintenance of law and order in the public. According to it those newspapers that interfered in the maintenance of law and order, the Provincial Government had the right to close them for one year The Third Law was press Emergency Power Act According’to it the Government could demand from a newspaper a security from Rs. 5000/- to Rs 30000/- But the newspaper had the right it could challenge this decision of the administration in the court
The first attact on Communication Media was made when Mohtarama Fatamah Jinnah reached the radio station to record her message on the occasion of the death Anniversary of the Quaid-i- Azam The Director General at the time Z A Bukhari sat personally in the Control Room and cancelled those sentences which were against the Government. The Director General said that he was directed by the higher authorities to do so According to an unofficial report in this period upto 1954, 21 newspapers
Military Gazette’’ in 1951 and Nawa-i-Waqt in 1954 Fifteen newspapers were closed for one year and seven for six months From 15 newspapers a security of Rs 500 to 10,000 was demanded. From 1950 to 1953, 50 newspapers and Magazines were given warning. Between 1950 and 1954, the Government Advertisement of Dawn and Evening News were closed
- The Period of President Ayub
When Martial Law was imposed in 1958, a very bad period began for the newspapers When Martial Law was lifted, Pakistan Security Act and Ordinance of Maintaining Law and order were restored It come in the shape of press and publication ordinance This Act was very strict and all the newspaper went to strike for one day and then it was relaxed The newspapers had the right to challenge the proceedings of the administration in the court Qudrat Ullah Sahab writes:-
Inspite of all the unaccept hardship and restrictions, this law had one clause which should be called satisfactory It was that the decision of all the matters about the confiscation of security of press was left On the court instead of administration But the circumstances were changed within a period of three years The clause was also cancelled w hen the government of Wets Pakistan in 1963 reissued the highly amended form of this ordinance.
The Government can take into its possession a newspaper or magazine temporarily under certain circumstances. In this connection Government took over the A P P. on the pretext that it is continuously going deficit The Government took over “The Pakistan Times”, “Imroze”, Lail-o-N’ihar and Sports Time Progressive papers Limited was charged with the collusion of the communists to get secret resources But the method adopted by the Government for its clutch, was also an innovation of communism.
According to Qudrat Ullah Sahab, Somebody advised President Ayub that the Government should take over “Dawn” and “Nawa-i-Waqat” like Pakistan Time and Imroze Upon this president got angry that the Pakistan Times and Imroze are not
working properly after taking over by the Government What wonders will the Government do if it takes over more newspapers
In a short period on institution was established under the name National Press Trust in 1964. Mr G Farooque was its first Chairman The range of N.P.T. was extended In addition to Progressive Papers, “Morning News” and “Mashriq” were also included in it.
In the reign of Ayub to get declaration was a very difficult -task. Quite a few new newspapers were issued in this period After the Martial Law ceased thirteen newspapers and magazines were closed from 2 to 6 months 30 Newspapers were giving warning The official Advertisement of Nawa-i-Waqat were stopped for a definite period During the election period the newspapers were comparatively independent. One good point of the reign of President Ayub is that all the news papers promised to abide by the code of ethics.
- People’s (Masses) Period
The reign of Yahya ceased, the people’s reign of Bhutto started. In 1972 after one year of the beginning of the democratic period, a permanent journalists law was imposed In it freedom of press was mentioned and all the feudal laws will be cancelled But even in this period action was taken against the newspapers The cases wee registered in the court some newspapers were served with notices demanding for security On account of the no availability of paper, they faced a great difficulty and there was hue and cry against the unfair distribution of foreign paper The government formed (set up) and Adverisory Committee to have better relations with the journalists but this committee could not work for long and ceased National Press Trust was taken over by the Government and big industrialists were separated In this way all the newspapers of the trust came into the control of the Government
- Zia Period
The newspapers had some freedom after two years of the establishment of Martial Law Government of General Zia-ul-Haq In this period a newspaper rhe Sun” and “The Muslim'” were issued from Lahore and Islamabad respectively The daily Jang Published from Lahore in October 1981 In addition to this several regional newspapers issued and several other were closed, it also includes “Musawat”. Pre-censorship continued from October 1979 to November 1981. Press advice also continued APNS, in a function, drew the attention of General Zia towards the problems of journalists. There upon he promised to solve these problems.
- Junejo Period
In February 1985, the general elections were held on non- party basis.Mohammad Khan Junejo became the Prime Minister General Zia continued as President of Pakistan till his death August 17, 1988 This period is an important step towards democracy. In this period, the newspapers were independent to a great extent Press advice was cancelled. The newspapers demanded for the cancellation of P P O Qazi Abdul Majeed Abid, the Information Minister at that time promised to cancel it But even’ in this period PPO was not cancelled On May 29, 1988 General Zia dissolved all the Provincial Assemblies and National Assembly An interm cabinet was formed in its place It was also announced that the general elections will be held within 90 days After fifteen days of this announcement, the imposition of Shariat Ordinance was also announced
It was said that obscenitywill be finished from T V and newspapers Having acted upon it, many advertisements that ran on the television, were banned The presentation of the already recorded dramas was stopped, they were recorded again. The order of the suspension of Advertisement were issued. Practically they remained close for one month but started again addressing the senate on July 20, 1988, General Zia- ul-Haq announced that the general elections will be held on November 16, 1988. On August 17, 1988, 30 Persons including General Zia, General Abdul Rehman. Brigadiar Siddiue Salik Were killed in an air crash near Ba’hawalpur The chairman of the Senate Ghulam Ishaq Khan took over the charge as the president of Pakistan. General Mirza Aslam Baig was appointed as the Chief of the Army Staff. On September 6, 1988 the interm government Cancelled P.P.O. and announced the imposition of Registration printing press and publication Ordinance.
- Democratic Period
On September 6, 1988, llahi Bux Somro, the information Minister for interm Government announced the cancellation of P P.O He also announced the imposition of R PPP O The draft of the new law was’ prepared by consultation with APNS and CPNE. After the issue of this new ordinance the journalistic community and social circles welcomed it Mir Khallil-ur-Rehmaii. the President of APNS thanked the president of Pakistan and the Information Minister and added that with the cancellation of P P O. the demand of Journalistic Community, Newspapers, Journals and the democratic organizations, has been fulfilled The chief editor of Nawa-i-Waqat Majeed Nizami expressed great Pleasure on the announcement of the Cancellation of P.P O in his life